Finale-Part II

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The rush of the city came into our sight, as we too struggled to reach to our destination. I was right the GPS did save the memory but it was handled with. Or so I would like to think. The memory was showing some villa called "Insight" as Dom's last visitng place. It was situated in the center of Cardiff. The name sounded familiar to Ruby but I don't know why it gave me chills. A haunted memory surfaced to the back of my mind but I pushed it down. Enough past depression for one night. I thought. That was another thing which was bothering me.

Ruby showed me some papers scattered across Dominic's table when I was retracting the GPS memory card. Papers which listed the early sightings of Agent Frost in the 2011-12. Around the same time Blain was killed. A person can't be at two places at once. I realised this fact more profously when I saw that she was nearly captured in Riverside on 13th July. Ruby was right, there was a chance that Avery actually might not know at all who Blain was or when he was killed or by whom.

What can be worst than this situation?

"Aiden from here, it's a left turn." Even though the location may be trampled with, there was no other way to go. "How much long do you think it's going to take us Ruby? We have been driving for about 2 hours now." Aiden was exasperated, worried, scared, angry and guilty all at once. Exhausted was not a word he was looking to add to the list. "Right there! That black gate! this is it." A 7 feet black coloured gate that be would perfect for all sorts of horror films came in front of them.

The wall all around seemed as if they were covered with smoke and dust for decades, cracks and broken parts adorned the boundary of the reknowned villa. Insight. The numerous cars around it buried whatever questions they had regarding if they were going to the right place or not. "We-we should go inside brother. God knows what they have been doing to Dom and Jason." Ruby's firm voice came from his side. He looked at her again just to see those hazel coloured eyes tremble with concern. He sighed as he looked straight again.

"Do you think going inside will be that easy?"

Before Ruby and Aiden started their journey to Cardiff.

The midnight stormed with clouds as if to congratulate Nicholas on his victory. To celebrate how he has once again tamed the Agent Frost successfully as if she was a puppet. Oh poor thing! Nicholas could clearly see how hard she tried not to fall for his words, how she diverted her mind, how she would accuse him of using her and how she tried not to be so conflicted whenever he proposed something to her. But eventually like a moth she also drew close to the flames of revenge present in heart. At present sitting in the backseat of his car, peacefully watchiung the outside with a hazed gaze, Nicholas wasn't so sure if she even felt those kind of feelings now.

He wasn't sure if Avery actually felt rage and anger towards those lecherous Colemans or did he simply just brainwashed her? Did he just persuate the Agent Frost to brush her feelings aside? Maybe who cares? As long as she remains under the control of him. She was a very valuable asset afterall. "Avery, I have already taken command of the situation. The younger brothers are already taken care of by my men." I chuckled thinking what I will do with those wankers.

"Taken care of? Have...they been killed? That would be no fun at all. Is this your revenge? Blemishing my torturous killing record?" At this reply, Nicholas smiled ear to ear. Oh how much of a fool she was to think that she had any control here. But he wanted this, he wanted her to think that he is not pressuring her to do any of this. "No my dear friend, actually I meant that they have been taken in my jurisdiction before. As a surprise for you Avery." He answered in that same polite tone she liked. Ridiculous!

The road streched till it could not at the front of a Bunglow. A place which contained thousands of memories, laughter and tears of happiness and sorrow alike. Drenched in ghostly stokes of black now, once it resembled an emerald. The Rosewood's parental home or better yet, Insight. "Come now, let's give justice to your parents and mine by burning those leeches in this very house." What could possibly be better to evoke such a tremendous emotion such as love than to face it where it was born. Than to face the seedling of hate that gave birth to love. They both walked together inside the villa. One feeling joyous over his capabilities and one thinking how fast time can change a predator to prey itself.

Once inside the doors that once promised only happiness, Avery could feel every hair on her neck shiver from the intensity. This was not the place where her father died,No. This was the place where everything was perfect, place where only joy resided, place where she was born. This was her home. 'Just 10 more minutes dad, just 10 minutes' she chanted as she followed Nicholas to where he kept her biggest surprise of the night.

"Well well...look who we have here. Isn't this a sight to enjoy." Nicholas boomed as the next thing that came in front of Avery was the stench of death and rotten egg. The metalic smell of blood making it more worse. Covered in bruises and cut all over their bodies, were lying Dominic and Jason on the ground. Their hands and legs tied with thick nylon ropes which skinned their wrists. Same with their legs while their mouths were sealed off by layers of clothing. "This is the second biggest surprise of this evening-"

"What's the first?" Avery asked before he could finish.

Did he kidnap Aiden and Ruby too?

Wow...I like having my old puppet back.

These thoughts crossed both of their minds respectively as they stared at each other with no apparent emotion. "Oh! well, I have news that the elder brother and sister are already on their way here. Suppose they could be here in 20-30 minutes?" The news bought a smirk on Avery's face. While the eyes of both the brother present there were as large as saucers now. Did they started trusting her now? their fault! "Well as much as I love waiting it would be good to start now." Avery suggested making Nicholas delighted. She took out her gun as she stood behind Nicholas while their preys started kicking their legs and screaming in their muffled voices. "Like old times?" asked Nicholas.

"Like old times..!"


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