A letter.

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Avery's POV.

"Către:- Draga Avery,

Indiferent cât de departe ai merge, te voi găsi, Frost. Va fi mai bine dacă ați face parte din companie, după care vom respecta o legendă ca tine. Sper sa ne auzim in curand. Sper că dincolo de speranță să vă amintiți de noi!

din:- Ştii cine."

I looked at the letter in my hand. The smell of old crinkled paper and raw ink disgusting my nose. It was really irritating for someone to do so much crafty work for writing a letter. And letter? What are we? 18th century rivals?

"To:- Dear Avery,

No matter how far you go, ill find you, Frost. It will be better if you corporate, after all we respect a legend like you. I hope to hear from you soon. I hope that beyond hope you will remember us.
From:- you know who."

Really? All the way to Romanian? Nevermind. I guess a little bit of old charade doesn't hurt anyone. Plus doesn't matter how normal I am, I need to tie loose ends specially this one.

Gosh! Didn't thought I would get a letter from my past at the step of my door. Whatever it takes, I will not let my past ruin my present.

Only 6 people knew who I was. 5 of which are already dead. Wasn't that hard to guess when you know they love Romanian. The last thing I ever wanted to see was this.

Sweating myself in gym and returning back to my house, I noticed a pale yellow colored envelope.

I frowned. This was not supposed to be here. No one knows about me or about this apartment.

But it doesn't matter now. It has to be closed. This chapter will be closed.

SC Cartel,

Fii pregătit. (Be prepared)


Dominic's POV.

A news here and a news there but other than that we had no luck in finding Frost.

Why am I surprised? I knew this would happen. Not that I am giving up, just disappointed. But at the same time, I know that I would have been more disappointed in Frost if we would have succeeded in finding her, as quickly as we hoped.

I mean a legend is supposed to act like one..right? If you're rumored around to be lethal and dangerous but in reality you're just like any other mob...it will really suck.

"Earth to Dominic!" Ruby said as I got startled from her voice and flinched. "What? Are you afraid of me now..?" She wriggled her eyebrows as I gave her a complete blank expression. Pointing out that I was not at all interested in her joke.

"Bugger off!" I said as I once again made my way towards my office. I needed to think like her. Despite every failing that we faced till now, we have to try. Harder than the last time.

Aiden said it the very first week we all made the decision to find Frost. Think like her. Ask yourself, what would she do? And that's exactly what we have been doing till now.

But, you know what they say, 'A master's mind is his workshop. If you can read it, you can read the master.' And I intend to do so. "Are you going to a war?" This time it was Jason. Ugh! Really are they going to be like this to me all the time?

Who am I kidding? They HAVE been like this all the time. Bloody little rodents! "What now?" I said as it was really irritating me how they were bugging me every now and then.

"Nothing, just wanted to know what do you think of , Avery Silas ?" I frowned upon hearing her name. "What is there to think about her?" I asked as Ruby tsked.

"Really, you didn't notice how good she was against brother?" Jason groaned as if I had committed a national crime. I sighed as it was 8 O'clock in evening and I was totally busted with work for tonight. Aiden was already out with our sources to confirm the recent bomb blast that took place in Cardiff. He hoped for the samples to match with the ones from the Vernon's case. If so we would finally be able to get a trail to track Frost.

"Look I really am surprised how much of a pretty competition she has been in front of Aiden, but I don't have time to discuss it with you all, okay? Bye!"

I rushed out before they could say anything else. Phew! I dodged two very annoying bullets there. Although I didn't completely bluffed them. I really meant what I said. Aiden was the one who helped us trained in our teens. So being against him was really a challenge. He was brutally fast and skilled.

But today was an exception. The way Avery dodged his strikes and the way she was able to tackle him was really impressive. She was trained. No doubt. It was difficult enough to fight Aiden for us trained ones but there was no chance an amateur non-trained fighter would be able to execute the moves Avery did.

But that doesn't mean I have time to praise her and gossip about her with those two idiots. I hope that the sample from the scene in Cardiff match the ones we have. A phone call made me snap out of my camaraderie.

AIDEN: Just got the information regarding the bomb samples from Sean.

DOMINIC: What did he blabber?

AIDEN: Apparently the bomb used in this work has the same effects and damages that MN-7 had.

DOMINIC: Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?

AIDEN: Well it's not confirmed yet that MN-7 was used as this is a bit more complex pattern but they are still testing it.

DOMINIC: Okay, I'll inform others.

I cut the call as I thought about it. Sean was very skeptical when it came to confirming results. So there was no chance he would mess up something like this. MN-7 was a brand of Frost. It was an explosive about whom no one has ever heard before or after her.

But it was also made of a very painfully complex recipe so whatever this bomb is made up of should match atleast one of the ingredients used in making of MN-7.

With that thought in mind I sent the list to Aiden. Hoping we get one lead from it.


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