Memories.....and Memories!

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It was cold, dark, dry. That's all that can be said for this place. Maybe a bit scary too. There was an unmistakable eerie feeling that belonged to this dark corner.
An unnoticed silence that has engulfed this land in it's enormous blanket.

Silence. Yes, there was a deadly silence. So much so, even a family broke apart but no one heard. Hearts were shattered, hope was being shunned down and a very painful surge of pain was making its way up to our hearts.

I was there, standing and witnessing what happens when those who cared about you, those about whom you care, die. No one came forward because no one was there. Just me, my mother and the corpse of a man punctured with 36 bullet holes. Badly burned with a letter that followed,

"Roses are red, Delilah is yellow..
How are you?, my dear little fellow..
Although I harmed you, here tall I stand...
My dear little Rosewood, I'll burn you to sand..!"

It was the body of my father. He was brutally murdered and his body was left at our doorsteps. Not as a chance for us to mourn but as a message. A clear message.

A message that no one ever thought of even in their scariest dreams. Richard was here as soon as he heard the word.
Nick was also here. He kept his sympathetic glances away from me which was a relief.

I went from there as soon as I saw that mother was situated on a couch. Not stable. Not expected to be. But atleast she won't try to commit suicide with them in here.

I wander around the room, as I remembered how father said, "You shall only step in here when I'll be deceased. Herein, you promise me in the sake of my life?" I was so confused at what ploy did dad set up this time or to what end I'll have to dance in his ploy music? I was just 9 years old.

I wasn't ready for this, I wasn't ready for this world. I didn't had it in me to do this alone. I won't be able to. But I sure as hell was determined to avenge my father.

He had been making me to understand this threat, this situation since the first time he bought me here. I'll prove to him that I was worthy of his teachings. His wise words, his trainings.

"And I will too.." a hand was there when I looked at my left shoulder. "Trust me, you are not alone in this mess." He said as he hugged me. It is my birthday today and they sure as hell made sure that I receive the best gift in the world.

So, I'll also make sure that they get the best return gift in the world.
"We'll..remember..?" He said as I nodded at him. I glanced at him as I felt great that I was not alone.

He was there with me. Don't know about curse or blessing. I don't know if it was a Malediction or benediction. What I knew was that I was going to get the answers from those who committed the cold blooded murder of my dad. They will not get away with it. They all will pay heavily for this deed.

I'll make sure their children also receive their father's dead body as their 10th birthday gift.

I will.

We will.

I vow to get their blood on my hands. To hear their screams as beg for mercy from that dear lord. They'll be given the same amount of torture that my father suffered if not more. They'll suffer worse.
It's my promise.
Hey guys! I know it's a short chapter. I didn't quite reached my aim of 1000 words. And I think it will be like that for the next chapter too. It just felt right to end it here. I just wanted to show how much worse the grief of losing someone whom you love to cruelty can affect someone. And also that your rage is your greatest enemy. It can make you feel like bloodthirsty and you will take many irrational decisions when you are in anger. So be careful. Don't do ill to the ones who have done you wrong. You will make no difference.

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