connecting the dots

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It's 09:53 am in the morning and I am here in my English honors class, studying samples of literature reading from the great, Thomas Hardy himself.

The past 3 days have been quite exhilarating for me. By exhilarating I mean, normal. My studies have been going good. Just one day before, we gave suggestions to the first year for their field test.

My body has also started to fight off the repercussions of that unholy sedative. My brain has recognized it's worth and has started to act like it's normal self. However, the lectures are still sort of repetitive and boring.

The defense class still takes a traumatic toll on me, as I have to remember everytime that my attendance is also important in this said course. My attention and concentration are on edge but that doesn't bother me.

I am a student, afterall. My concentration should be on its peak and that's what matters the most. Regardless of the actual reason.

So children our next sample consists of a classic collection, from the shelf of Thomas Hardy. The first reading is, his second novel Desperate remedies. "Desperate remedies" was Hardy's first ever novel to be published. It was produced in 1871 and was published in the form of volumes. The publishers of this classic were the Tinsley brother. It was one of the most beautiful classics in the late 18th century.
Hardy, very ironically expressed his characters peculiarly but in a very subtle manner. The name procures your attention towards the probable desperate steps , that may have been taken by the protagonist. But interestingly, Hardy portrays the observation of the desperate action taken by other characters, through our female protagonist i.e, Ms. Cytherea Graye.
He adversely depicts the story of Cytherea ;a common girl who works for an eccentric madame and falls in love with a young engineer; through the desperate measure taken by another important character, Aeneas Manston.
You can read the sample copy from the library or those of you who would like to add it to your collection, can purchase it.
After carefully reading it, you all have to make a observation report on the contrary action and display of characters of Hardy. I hope the end of this week will be enough for you?

Our professor, gave us a deadline before disappearing out of the class as soon as the bell rang. Just 1 ¹/² hour before recess.


My head has got itself a well deserved break after 9 hours of lecture. I was now walking outside in the garden near my apartment, a few others were also there.

My violet colored slax didn't shone like the bright Venus in the evening, and I was grateful for that. Although the wind was not present my hair still ruffled along side my plum colored lazy top.

Ding dong~~

Now what is it? My phone's notification bell notified me of a message but I didn't wanted to see or hear anything.
But a message means someone who knows my number, someone who knows me and has something to tell me.

There aren't many people in all of those categories.

I hope you're glad to reunite with me. I do not know how to thank you. I have been waiting for it for almost 3 years, anyways. Have a good day!

How can I have a good day when you are here, trying your best to ruin it?

The last 3 days have been decorated with enthralling and additional desserts, like this.
Long time, no see. Will you make an effort to not make this our last encounter?

You look as ravishing as I saw you last. How many days has it been, my friend?

Your silence had encouraged me to ask another such atrocity. May I?

If you know it's an atrocity, then why are you asking for it. At first, ignorance was the only option that felt valid to me, until I have confirmed my suspicions. But now, I don't think waiting is the choice, that's tempting to me. Especially not after this,

I think our lack of conversation over the years have made you restless, Avery. If not, then how can I see you meddling with the Colemans? Are you feeling empathy for them, after what you have done?

Colemans? Diana knows about them? What I have done to them? My head snapped, at that moment. And now, it has been 10 hours to that message. So much that even a new message has graced my entrance. But no news of them.

If she knows about them, than that means either they are related to my past or worst...they are my past.
My phone rang suddenly, withering the solace I had found in the few moments of silence.

Yusuf. One of the pawns which I can use as I please, even if I am not around.

"There full information is very difficult to manage. Their outer and inner media circle is verified by 3 custom made layers of asymmetric binary code. But what I have managed to find, is that they ran many errands related to Vernons and the Donovans. No blood relation is found yet."

I cut the phone as soon as I got the update I needed. I was right. Something fishy was definitely going on. The colemans were involved in my past, and that means just 1 thing. I have to stay away from them for as long as I can.

But Diana, for you my friend, waiting is over.


As soon as I got the news of the meeting being fixed, I rushed to tell Aiden about it. Ms. Aedile, huh? Doesn't exactly rolls off the tongue as an English name.

My search came to a stop as I found, Aiden in the private conference sector. He had been stressed for the two days, along with all of us due to the report. As horrible as the report sounds, I am thrilled that She is alive. I really want to thresh her with bare hands, I guess.

"Aiden, the meeting with Security welfare executive of the Glimsons is fixed. We'll be meeting her exactly at 10:40 pm, tomorrow." Odd choice of time, but this is what we usually call "wake up call" in our language. Since, it's the time when most of the crime related handlers come out of their shells.

"Goodness, she didn't say 12 midnight. Nor, I would have thought she has some other adventures for us to attend." It was Dominic's dry humour, who by the way was also present their.

Or maybe, the said adventures may arrive early.

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