Doubtful About Doubts

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"You need to sit down, eat your breakfast and then rest. Do you understand?" Jason asked sternly. "Nope." I replied him with playfulness lacing my words. "Ruby, I swear–
"Why are you behaving like an ancient Chinese monk with our sister?" His voice was cut off by Dom's.

"You think I am being ridiculous? Do you know what our beloved sister has done, since she came back from that colony of her lovers?" Dom passed a gentle smile towards me, to which I replied by mouthing 'I am okay', since Jason was speaking. "What?" Dom asked in a rather relaxed tone, once Jason had finished his question. He was in no hurry to go to office and work? That's a revolution.

"Nothing" Jason answered with an angry frown on his forehead while Dominic's expression was one of a kind. His face was completely solemn and his eyes were looking dry. I am pretty sure he must be thinking, how did Jason turned out to be like this?

"Oh my!" I laughed as they gaze my way.  Jason was not in mood of humor ofcourse, but the way he said 'nothing ' and Dominic's expression on that, was hilarious. Dom started tutting his head at me while my other brother was confused as to why I was laughing.

"Looks like you all are in a good mood." My elder brother's voice rang through my ears. What is happening? Aiden and Dominic both are relaxed, not in hurry to make a run for office, and all four of us are here in my room, conversing with each other about anything but work? I must be dreaming.

"What happened?" Aiden asked as, I presume that he saw my confused face. "Nothing." I answered. He came and sat beside me, on my bed while Dominic moved to sit in front of me. All the while, Jason was sitting beside my legs.

"Tell us, Ruby." Aiden's voice was as gentle as a breeze as he asked about my thoughts. "Brother, it is just that..." I trailed off while looking at their faces. I gazed at each of their face attentively, trying to figure out my mind and my thoughts.

"Today, all of us are here in our house, on my bed without any rush. Relaxing, making small talks and pulling each other's legs. Like carefree teenagers we are also conversing and no one is talking about work or office or research." I said looking at all of their faces. They all were listening to me, looking at me like obedient students.

I took a deep breath, "I never thought I would miss these types of things when we started this work. But when I saw how busy we have gotten in this life, so much that we don't even talk with each other, it made me sad. Now that, we are here just like old times, I am just having a hard time believing it after being deprived of it for almost 5 years."

Aiden hugged me side ways and my two other brothers, were smiling. "I promise you shall never feel like this, ever again" Aiden assured me. "Oh Ruby why did you stop, now we would have to listen to Ms. Whine again!" Dom exclaimed in a voice filled with agony while Aiden and I were filled with laughter. Don't ask about Jason.

He was running around the room trying get Dom at his mercy. "Dominic Coleman, you shall remember this lesson in your life" he shouted as I laughed and Aiden chuckled. "Yeah? I don't see you catching up with me though!" Oh no! Adding fuel to the fire? I see Dominic.

Just like that everyone was laughing, enjoying this quality time that we get so rarely. My attention was snatched by the flicking of the screen of Aiden's phone. It was kept on my bedside table.

Huh? His phone is never on mute. I grabbed the phone and saw the caller ID. Maverick. He was our best cleaner. A cleaner, as the name suggests, is a person who cleans our messes. Whenever we do something, cleaners are there in our group to collect all the useful things that we left, and dispose all the other harmful things for us.

Maverick's call must be about what happened with me. It's important to know what did he find there. More importantly, did he find anything related to that girl?
"Guys?" I called out to my brothers. They all looked at me. I showed them the phone screen as a frown settled on Aiden's face.

"Pick it up. I want to know everything. Put it on speaker." I said without withdrawing eye contact from Aiden. He understood my concerns and knew it was better to receive the call, than to argue with me.

Aiden : What did you find?

Maverick: Sir, you were right. This property does belongs to the Morgans. The incident happened in the guidance of their dog, Seth Maxwell.

Aiden: Any other belongings? Or footage?

Maverick: Sir, according to the camera at the back gate of the factory, there were originally two vans who were dispersed to get a hold of Ms. Ruby. One was filled with Seth's men and another one was carried by Seth himself and his Right hand man, Gilbert.

Ruby: But the men I encountered, were not Seth or Gilbert. Then what happened to the their van?

Maverick: Ms. Ruby, the van you were in, returned within an hour of its disperse. But the other van never recovered. Sir, our sources have confirmed that Seth and Gilbert both are dead. One is shot in the head, the other one had severe head injury, respectively.

Aiden: The van never returned? Seth and Gilbert both are dead? Did any another person made an entry?

Maverick: Sir, the footage lasts only 2 hours after Ms. Ruby was brought here. In those 2 hours, nothing suspicious has taken place. After that there is no record. However Sir, we do have some thing to report.

Dominic: What is it?
Maverick: Sir, we encountered a man who worked for Seth. He was not present there when this scene took place, but he did said that Seth informed all of his men via text, that he caught a big fish and that he also sent a picture with it.

Jason: Do you have the picture?

Maverick: No sir. Apparently, Seth only sent the picture to the ones he trusted the most. And all of them, were there with Ms. Ruby at the Factory. We searched the whole area Sir, but there were no cells, tablets or laptops.

Aiden: Let me know if you find anything else.

Aiden cut the call and sighed. "Ruby, you said you didn't had any idea how much time has passed when you woke up?" He asked as I nodded my head. "Who was that girl, you said she saved you?" Jason asked. "I already described her to you all, she dressed in all leather and her hair was jet black in color. Her eyes were electrifying blue and whatever skin was exposed around her neck, suggested she was very fair."

"That's the description of an ideal beauty. She must be wearing wigs and contacts." Dominic said. Now all of us were worried. It was certain that she was not any normal girl. Any girl would have atleast freaked out and asked questions about where she was. But she handled it like it was her daily job.

"But why phones? She was wearing masks when you saw her and after that she stole all the phones? No other girl will have so much to hide about her face. Who and what is she?" Jason groaned.
Whoever or whatever she is, please let her be. I hope our paths don't cross again.
And my hope was crushed .

Bloody War (NOW PUBLISHED IN PAPERBACK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora