Rescuing Avery

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Everything was going according to the plan. This sweet piece of caramel pastry was now in our freezer and there was surely a reward reserved for our work. "Eh?...she heavy Kyle?" Jordan asked. He is an Irish man with little to no experience in speaking English. Sometimes his grammar makes me choke, but I can't do anything. He can understand everything word by word, though. "No, but I am just a bit famished." I said.

"I wonder what kind of an agent she was? I mean it was quite a handled job to capture her. Seth and Gilbert both must be high themselves." Oisin remarked with a scoff. "Esattamente.(exactly)" Lorenzo's deep voice made its path to my ears. He is an Italian fellow who is a man of very few words. He likes to keep to himself and seldom makes his presence known to any one in particular. If he wouldn't have agreed with Oisin, I would have forgotten that he is even present here.

"If the bunch of you all, have made their opinions and declared them, can we please have a shot?" I asked to the three of them. Even before they answered, I saw two pair of eyes smiling. "Well it's deserved."Oisin was the first to say. "Well deserved." Now, it was Jordan who said that. It may look like he was trying to reprimand Oisin for his extra use of auxiliary verb, but I know better. He was just trying to say the same thing, but with his lack of grammar, it somehow sounded more appropriate.

"I don't think...this is a good idea. Saremo in serio problema (We will be in serious problem). It's better if we..leave. Proprio adesso (right now)." Lorenzo stated with grim nature to his voice. He was serious. Heck, I have never heard him talk so much before. But what could be wrong at this perfect victorious moment of ours?

"I don't think anything will happen. Let's go. Lorenzo, just one smoke and you can come back if you want." I assure him. He is reluctant but doesn't says anything. Together the four of us, drive the van to the east gate of the St. Mary church and then blow off to our precious smoke corner.

A few minutes of abandonment, that too in front of the church's east gate. This will never gather any problems. Lorenzo was just over-thinking the situation.

A very similar looking black van passed and came alongside the former one. East gate way of the church was not so deserted as one thought. This van was completly black, much like the former one. No nameplates, but a rather distinct smell of phosphorus was engulfing it. A neon blue colored 'C' was placed in front of the head lights. That was the only physical difference between the two vans.


A minute later two persons, a girl probably in her late twenties, with musky colored skin and black wavy hair and an rather old man, hopping in his early sixties with white breaches in his hair and pale white skin. "Would you be able to get the right address?" The girl asked with a subtle politeness in her voice. The old man was now looking through the street waiting for someone or something. A pick up car came in and he smiled. "I live in the west wing." He answered while looking at the girl. Nothing inappropriate. Just his way of saying that he didn't knew east wing that much and a little help will be appreciated.

The girl understood his meaning and went to sit in the pick up car. There were other two people who were helping with the transferring of phosphorus chunks from the van to the car.

15 to 20 mins later, when the girl and that old man were nowhere to be seen. Kyle, Lorenzo, Oisin and Jordan came toddling in. A glass of beer may not be alcoholic to men, but if mixed with the ash of cigarette and a little bit of vodka; which came here in bulk or I should say, black; it became a very enjoyable drink.

Lorenzo thought it was not likely to see another van here let alone one that is so similar to there's. He was confused as to which one was the right one, but when he saw the others moving towards the one near to the building, he diminished his inner conflicts.

Maybe he was thinking too much. Maybe it was better to go with the flow. Like his mates. Maybe.


Aiden was in his office,sitting in his chair looking at some letters. Specifically at the one, that was from 10 years ago. 10 years, a long time has passed since he had reminisce his past. He thought as he looked through the contents of it. The ink has been smudged at some places, the paper was torn at the edges but it was in a good condition considering it's age.

His phone's ringing made him stop his  tour down the memory. Jason. "What happened?" Aiden asked in a hoarse voice. "Ask what didn't happen? Come to office basement right now. Hurry!" He exclaimed right in my ear. What now?

Aiden's questions were answered sooner than he anticipated. He came to the stop where everyone was. Dominic, Jason, some of our workers. All rounding in a circle in front of a van. Strange. He thought. "What is wrong?" He asked as they made a gap for him to see.

And there she was. Lying unconscious with her hands, legs and mouth tied with ropes and cloth respectively. Her mint and white colored hair tumbles down her waist. Her floral printed dress reaches her knees matching with her thigh length; he assumed; stockings.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Jason asked to no one in particular. "What was she thinking about when she chose this dress? I mean it's really cold outside. Has she not been living in Swansea or what?" He speculated.

"Call Ruby to help her out of the van, and make sure she is comfortable. Dominic, explain what happened here." Aiden flushed out his wants as he waited for the translation of this situation.

Aiden's POV.

I was literally dreading of what this could mean until Dominic opened his mouth. "It's not our van, this van reeks of chlorine and bleaching powder. Plus, the hereditary C is not there in front. Phoebe and Conner did not recognize it as someone else's when they drove here. The package has been delivered safely, I just made sure of that."

"It means whatever did occurred, happened when they were delivering the package." I sighed. What the hell happened?

"Okay, I thought it was a prank for a moment. Gosh! I should really open those ropes." Ruby softly said as she tried to open the ropes. "Maybe it was a prank, I mean something like that." Jason stated but immediately received a glare from Dominic. Good. Ruby helped Avery out of the ropes and made her way out of the van. "Help me get down the van" She said as I was instantly by her side.

We all made our way inside the guest room, that was the closest to where we were. Ruby went to get her settled in the bed as I called Dominic out. "Check in with what happened. I don't think this was some sort of a sadistic prank or a coincidence." He agreed as he said, "that's exactly what I was thinking. If she was getting kidnapped and it has some relation with our van vanishing away, I think we better find it out."

I was not talking about that. I sincerely just wanted to know what happened with her. But that's not something I would confess to my brother.

Whatever it was, knowing it would give me a closure. But for now, it was good enough that Avery was safe with us.
Or were we with her?

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