Daily Routine aka BORED!!!!

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Avery!!! Ugh! I hate this name. My last name was so cool yet beautiful
'Christine '...so so elegant. "And old". Wait, am I a werewolf? No...? Who was that then? Oh wait, I am a Gemini and when you are a Gemini you can hear every freaking side of your brain talk. Talk..no argue with each other. Yes that's it, now get up from your bed and get ready for your college Avery.

A cold shower with some blue berry pancakes and I am good to go and change for my day ahead. Yep ! I can cook ,unlike you .

Right now I am having a staring contest with my closet and she is giving me hard time to chose what I want to wear.
Honestly,  I don't want to wear anything like man it's so hot! 😩but this society is judgemental you know, so yes
I am stu-okay I found what I was looking for.

A high-waist white colored jeans, with some caramel brown spaghetti and a chocolate brown half jacket with some white sneakers to go. Okay, that's cool.
I let my hairs tumble down. I always liked it open. There quite long to tie and I am lazy to do it.

Walking out of my small house, I realized that how there is nothing good about school/college. I mean what's the point? Basically I forgot my keys and I. Hate. Bus. Transport. So yeah, running back to my house to take my bike.


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Reaching the college, I park my bike where my alloted place is, and head inside. Plain ass boring😴 I mean not the school but the students studying here. Why bother being in groups and making friends when in the end you have to fend yourself on your own? When in the end it's nothing, just some ashes and brutal betrayal .

I already have my weekly schedule for this week and my first period is defence.T. It's actually nothing but an additional course for all the students so that they can have a little bit of knowledge on how to protect themselves. Guess what? I don't need that.

So after much thinking and roaming around in the sun,letting my mint-blonde hair to have a sun bath; no makeup, no tension; I wander my feet towards the library.  Although I have read quite a lot books here, there are still some books which are unforgettable. Like there are books and some moments in those books that can't be enjoyed in one reading. They capture your attention like nobody else and you have this urge to read this book again, again, again and again.

That is exactly what 'Julius-Caesar' does to me.  I can't thank Shakespeare enough for this masterpiece. It exactly depicts what I said about friends.

The dynamics of the trust that Caesar so foolishly had shown to his beloved best friend Brutus and how easily in his misconceptions Brutus plots the murder of his own friend, makes me come back to this book every time I enter the library.

If only he had listened to his wife, if only he knew what blunder he did by believing Brutus, if only he had thought as the great leader that he was, he would have survived and also would know the actual meaning of this so-called reality friendship.

After reliving that moment I kept the book in its place and looked outside the vast window. One of the perks of this library is that is has 6 big ass windows which can show the most beautiful sceneries from this college.

It was beautiful outside until a bunch of babies came rolling inside the campus.
Ugh!! Why now? I mean look at those boys, how do these girls call them daddys when they are just babies. Just how? These Coleman brothers are just so irritating. Let's make an hypothesis, hmm🤔so what if they are handsome as they say they are? Am I supposed to dance like Shakira on waka-waka for them? Good God!!!


Crossing the hallways, I reach towards my second class I.e, PSYCHOLOGY- II A.
Climbing the stairs, I settle myself in the second last row, window seat. Some other students also start gathering around in the class. Jerks, jackasses, dumbs, sluts, you name them.

Suddenly, a thought crosses mind.
'Why do I hate these people so much?'
Oh, nevermind. All of them hate each other for one reason or another.

I feel a presence in front of me and looked in time to see the baby of the school sitting in front of me.

Jason Coleman? wow, my day just keeps getting better!
As if on cue the teacher finally decided to make an entry. Mrs.Smith.

"Good morning class. I hope all have dedicated their full attention on the assignment that I gave before the weekend. Now since you all will already submit those by today, let's try to make this class more productive. Shall we?" Oh come on, what productive thing are you going to do?🙄

And just like that some lame questions were being thrown at us. Great.

"So students, I have noticed some lack of concentration and participation from some of you. That has now lead me to another query about you all. Why are you learning psychology? What is the main reason?" Seriously? This was your way to make this class more productive?

"I want to help others.....
I want to satisfy myself that I have done some good in my life...
I want to make people feel their actual feelings...."
Liars. Everyone knows that you are becoming a psychologist so that you can have enough money to spend 500$-700$ a day. Who cares for you modesty man? Just be yourself. And Jason? What do you think? Do people have something called artificial feelings?

" Avery...Silas? Can you also tell us about your reason of become a psychologist?" Why? Are you going to give my next college investment for me? And also you TVD fans, don't get your hopes up, it's just my surname; my  real surname.

" i just want a dignified job that pays me good and among all the other options, psychology clicked my interest " I said shrugging. Okay I know, my voice is deep than any average female but then I am not an average female and yes I do have a bit of an British accent but that doesn't means that you will shove it my face. Don't pretend that you didn't just imagine my voice.

Mrs.Smith's lips formed a thin line and she nodded at me to sit. What now? You smiled at everyone's and you're just nodding at me? You butt-kissing snake?!

Just like that my days starts to become a rotten egg.

But something in air catches my attention. Something very peculiar yet familiar. Very faint .

No, it's not love or rumors bitches.

It's death.

It's  the smell of...


Who the he'll is carrying a gun in this class?

Hey there!

I hope you had a good reading.  I just
want to say that, everyone has their own way of dealing with their demons. And Avery's way of dealing with them is her sarcastic humor.I know some of you will questions as to why her character doesn't matches her story but relax you'll get to know everything.  After all it's just the 1st chapter.😉😁

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