"I told you to not go so hard on yourself today since you already weren't feeling good."

Destiny now realized that Roseanne always seems to downplay her symptoms of sickness. She never believes she is too sick to not practice, so it leads to her body shutting down and not responding how she wants it to. And that's exactly what was happening right now because Jennie just checked the girl's temperature and saw that it was way too high for someone to be dancing nonstop.

"Cupid, what do you think being sick would feel like?" Destiny asked the god as he had finished putting his bow and a few leftover arrows away. He looked over at the goddess and shrugged his shoulders,

"I don't know, but movies make it seem pretty bad." That was true, humans definitely made being sick seem like the worst thing that could happen to someone.

"Do you think the Big Man could make me sick for a day?" Destiny questioned as Cupid looked at her as if she was stupid. He didn't understand why in the world she would willingly want to get sick.

"I have no idea."

"You're useless sometimes." Destiny concluded as she got up from her chair and went to go to where the Big Man was with a favor.

"Do you know where I can fill up my water bottle?" Y/n asked Wendy as she took the last sip of her water. Wendy told her there was a water fountain and it was just down the hall to the left. Y/n thanked her and went in the direction she was directed in, finding the water fountain easily.

She stood casually as she filled up her water bottle, humming the tune of Russian Roulette to herself. Then a pair of footsteps approaching her caught her attention, so she looked to the side and nearly fully embarrassed herself as Taeyeon from Girls Generation was now standing behind her with her own empty water bottle.

Y/n pretended that she didn't know the woman and finished filling her water bottle up with shaky hands. She then bowed to the woman and sped walked away back to the dance practice room.

The five girls in the room immediately noticed that the girl was tensed up because of something. They shared glances at one another and Wendy spoke up,

"What's wrong y/n?"

"I just saw Taeyeon in the hallway."

The five girls smirked at one another seeing the girl so starstruck by Taeyeon. They didn't make fun of her or anything, but they were silently having a conversation with their eyes. Y/n failed to notice it all and just went to put her water back in the small fridge they had in the practice room.

Then all six of them went back to dancing and finishing up the choreography like nothing had happened. Seulgi obviously picked up the dance the quickest, followed by Irene. Then Yeri, Joy, and Wendy all got it down around the same time. Y/n was proud of all of them for getting the basics of the dance down already. There was still plenty of time for them to really sharpen all their movements, so y/n wasn't worried at all.

Time flew by and soon y/n was back in her hotel room watching Netflix on the TV with room service. She sat criss crossed on top of her bed and kept her eyes on the TV no matter what because the movie was getting good. Her phone buzzed and she blindly felt around the bed to pick it up. Her eyes glanced down quickly to see who had texted her and she smiled seeing it was her mom.

mother: hey sweetie, how
was today at the studio?

Me: it was really
fun. the girls are picking
up the dance quickly, so
they're making my job easier

mother: that's wonderful
to hear. your dad and i miss

Me: i miss u too! i think
i'll be back home in a week
tho, so i'll see u guys soon!!

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