Roses and Demons

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About time to find out who is behind this Grimm, as i took my hand away i saw... silver eyes... black hair with red tips... white cloack...

Zarathos: '...this cannot be! Summer Rose?'

In my shock i stumbled back, letting go of Summer or the Hound, now that it's head regenerated.

Salem, what did she do?! To Summer?!

Wait... the one i was beating the ever living hell was Summer, i was...

No, i don't have time to feel sorry for myself, i need to find a way to bring her back, to ger rid of this Grimm.

Guess even Oscar was confused by my reaction.

Now the Hound had another tactic, running away.


Slamming my fist into the ground, dozens of chains shot out from within the earth itself, coiling around the Hound and dragging it towards me.

Standing before me was the Hound, who was trying to break free from my chains.

Clenching my fists, a pillar of blue heavenly flames took over the Hound's body.

It's seems that my holy and angelic fire has an interesting effect against the Grimm, so i used it to cleanse the Hound, lucky it worked, leaving only Summer's figure, i commanded my chains to put her gently on the ground.

It's seems that my holy and angelic fire has an interesting effect against the Grimm, so i used it to cleanse the Hound, lucky it worked, leaving only Summer's figure, i commanded my chains to put her gently on the ground

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

She was unconcious, i kneeled down beside her, checking for any kind of injury, she is fine, thank God... wait, He is retired.

I extinguished the flames of vengeance, letting my flesh regrow.

Oscar finally took a peak over my shoulder.

Oscar: "Who is she? She looks exactly like Ruby."

Duncan: "Hehe, of course she looks like Ruby, it's her mother after all."

Oscar looked at me shocked by the news, can't blame the guy.

Oscar: "What?! But Ruby said she died during a mission a long time ago!"

Duncan: "No, worst. It looks like she was captured by Salem and turned into this!"

I took Summer bridal style. I looked at Whale Grimm, then at Mantle, which was quite far.

Zarathos: 'Partner, i can feel the Darkhold's pressence inside the Grimm.'

I had to think a bit, but sadly for this reunion, we had little to no time.

I took one last look at Summer who was sleeping peacefully, i'll make sure that Salem's death is slow and as agonizing as my time in Hell was, for doing this to Summer.

Thinking fast, i handed Summer to Oscar who was a little startled by my actions.

Duncan: "Take Summer, and go, i will end Salem and this pointless war.", i made a circular motion with my arm opening an portal.

Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x RWBY) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz