Chapter 24: meeting eachother

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Shattered POV: we had moved to the living room and everyone was talking. They seemed happy.. but I could tell they where simply talking because they wanted to get their minds off currupted. And It was working. I couldnt help but smile. Currupted always wanted all of them to be happy like this. He would be so happy if he saw them right now.

"So... how do you plan to help nightmare..?" I hear someone say. I snap out of my thoughts to notice dust asking the question.

"Well...." I think.. How would i..? Its been forever sense I've practiced negative positivity. I cant add positivity to nightmare, due to the fact that positivity will hurt him. I have to give him positivity mixed with negativity called 'negative positivity'. I cant risk hurting nightmare.

"Its hard to explain... and it's been forever sense I've used the magic in order to help him.. I dont want to risk hurting him..."

"What type of magic..?" Dream asks.

"Its a mixture of positivity and negativity magic. But its risky because I havent used it in forever. To much positivity can hurt them, but to much negativity can make him worse. And it's hard to make him happy, let alone remove the insanity corrupting his mind.."

I feel the negativity rise..

"Well..." says killer "practice it..!" He says.

"I cant" I say "I have to practice it on people and-"

"Practice it on me"


"My emotions are all over the place. I just recently got my emotions back, so I dont think you can make them any worse" he says without hesitation.

Everyone looks at me and I look at my hands.

I dont know how it would affect him... it really worth it to try..?



I stand and go over to him. "Your sure about this..?" I ask one last time. He nods and I take a breath. Here I go..

I close my eyes and I focus on my magic. I try my best to send negativity magic to my left hand, while focusing positivity magic on my right hand. Trying to focus that theirs not to much of either. I add a little more positivity magic so it affects killer in a more positive manner.

I open my eyes and look at killer. He has his eyes closed. I cant tell what hes feeling... is it working???

I stop and he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Are you alright..??" I ask. He smiles

"Yea! It felt weird.. but it felt more good then bad." He says enthusiastically.

I smile and speak "I'm glad. I added a little more positivity to help you." He smiles back at me.

I didnt want tell to tell them.. but that didnt help me at all..

Nightmares mind is currupted. So I have to fight against that curruption and not to mention nightmare will most likely allow me to help him...

It scared me..

But no one knew that..

They didnt need to know that..

"Hey shattered..?" I hear dream ask. I turn around and look at him.

"Yes dream..?" I say and he softly responds.

"You just used both negativity and positivity magic.. right..?"

"Yes. I did. Why..?"

"Well. If you have that ability. Then did currupted..?"

I had a feeling that's what he was going to ask.

"Yes.. yes he did." I say "but.. he mainly has negativity magic. He only has positivity magic so that way he could add negativity to you without hurting you in the process. Just like I mainly have positivity magic, but a little bit of negativity magic so i cant hurt nightmare."

"I'm guessing currupted didnt have enough positivity magic to help nightmare?"


He nods. Understanding. Everyone seems to understand.

"Well.." ccino says. Speaking up after being quiet for some long time. "I dont mean to rush you. But dont you think it's time we go finish this...?"

Dream looks at me. I could tell he wanted his brother back..

I think.

I needed a backup plan-



I cant fail this..

I look at ink. He could help me..

"Ink. Your paint has abilities right..? Like burning or chains?"

"Yes..? I can make certain colors turn to strings or chains. And other things. Why...?"

"Because I need you to use those to tie up nightmare so i can use the magic on him. I need to get close enough to him in order to use it. And I need him to be as still as possible."

Ink nods. "I can do that" he says.

This has to work.

Please let this work.

"Good." I say. Looking torwards dream and ccino "then what are we waiting for."

Everyone smiles and cheers

Dream closes his eyes and thinks. HD opens his eyes and looks at me.

"I found the au hes in." He opens a portal "let's go..!" I smile. I walk through the portal. I feel my anxiety rise.

Everyone follows me and I look ahead. Dust littered the air as I looked ahead to see nightmare with a sharp bone. He had dust and blood on him. He was talking, but their was no one to talk to. But it's clear he was having a conversation with someone..

I start focusing on his aura. Trying to use my magic to connect to his thoughts. I sensed the insanity corruption. It was bad.. nightmare suddenly stiffened and turned around to look at us.

I heard him speak to someone.

"Shut up. I see them!" He says as he tightens his grip on the bone.

Hes hallucinating...

Once I get close enough I'll be able to see what hes seeing so I can know what to fix in his mind.

I glares at me. But I could tell by his emotions he was scared and confused.

I sensed the real him. The kind, shy him. He was still under there...

I'm getting that side of him back...

Let's get this over with...

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