Chapter 18: an escaped convict

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A few hours earlier that same day.

Nightmares ( passive ) Pov:

My back leaned against the wall as I sat clawing at my skull. My stomach growled and voices screamed although no one else was in the room. I sat in the room I had been trapped in for forever now. The glass walls showed me my reflection from every angle.

It scared me-


Everything is so loud, yet so quiet. I'm hungry but have no appetite. I'm tired yet cant sleep. I'm thoughtless yet thinking 24/7. The voices in my head wont shut up yet I continue to talk back to them.

I'm angry yet I'm scared..

Dream and ink had left. I no longer sense them.

Only blue and sci where here.

Why cant they just leave me alone- why cant I just go back home-

Dream deserves to be dead, but if this is my consequence, being trapped again, then I wont kill him.

I wont hurt him if they would just, let. me. leave.

I looked up at the walls and I felt my soul stop. I watched as thick black goo seeped from every crack and crevice in the walls. I heard the voices get louder as goo started to slowly fill the room. I couldn't move..-

"Your already giving up? No wonder. The villagers where right about you. After all the things your brother put you through and your still to weak to stop him"

shut up..

The goo started to get up to my knees as I curled up more. It was cold..

I was trapped in the goo for so long- it seemed to cling to me. I dont want to go back there- I just wanna be free for once-

Get. Off.

At the thought of it getting off of me, it just made it seem to cling to me more. It slowly rised up more and more as the room filled with more and more liquid negativity.

"Your pathetic. If you wont kill him, then theirs no purpose is you being here. You deserve to stay in that goopy soul and drown for all your life. You deserved all the things the villagers did to you. Your brother was nice because he pity'd you. Everyone that's nice to you, pitys you."

Your wrong-

just stop-

The goop seemed to climb up my body and attach to my every limb. It reached my neck and I felt myself slowly begin to suffocate. I gasped for air but the goo just seemed to tighten around me more as I struggled.

"You can prove to them that your more than trash. Kill him. That's all you have to do. He used you. Hes not your brother..! Hes a traitor! Kill him!!!

Give him what he deserves you worthless piece of-!"

"SHUT UP!!!"

I screamed as I felt tears stream down my face. I closed my eyes. I heard yelling but I ignored it. I closed my eyes and put my hands over my 'ears', trying to block out all sounds.

I felt things touching me. I tried to kick it away but it continued to try and grab me. I felt a pair of hands grab my wrist and put my hands behind my back at another wrapped their arms around me and held me in place. I screamed and kicked and struggled but I couldnt get out.

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