Chapter 19: reunited at last.

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Dream POV: i rushed out of the shadows with killer, after telling him about how nightmare wasnt in the au he was trapped in anymore. The gang all seemed confused at first.

I explained that we had separated nightmare and currupted and that nightmare was still insane and stuff. They understood and killer started to overthink. I could tell hes not use to his emotions still. Even after all the months.

Once we got currupted's attention he aimed his tendrils at us.

I stiffened and put my hands up as killer spoke.


"What are you doing here. How did you find me!?" Currupted yelled in a dark voice. It boomed and echoed. Scaring the gang. I could tell the skeleton next to currupted, which nightmare had said his name was 'ccino', was visibly shaken. He was clearly not use to currupted. Being angry or defensive.

It suprised me.

And I could tell it suprised ccino too.

Moments before he and currupted had been laughing and joking around.

And in a matter of seconds currupted was back to big and bad.

"Boss- I'll tell you everything but- we really need to talk."

"Leave." Currupted says

"What..?" Killer says. Slightly shocked that currupted was pushing away his own gang members.

"I said. Leave" currupted growls.

"Currupted-" I try and speak up but he clearly becomes mad as soon as I speak.


I feel my frustration rise as I blurt out what we've been trying to tell him this whole time.

"Nightmare escaped!!" I scream back at him

He goes still.

I could tell shock filled his expression, But he felt scared. I sensed it. And I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"Your...your lying.."

"We're not.." I say. Killer nods. Currupted looks at killer.

The gang and ink walk out of the shadows. He looks at all of us. He looks at me and I can tell he knew that we read the journal. It was written all over his face

" much do you know...." he asks as he looks at me.

I slowly look at killer. And we make eye contact as he hands me the journal that holds all of currupted secrets that killer told me about.

I take it and look at the blank cover before looking back at currupted

"I know everything.." I toss him the journal and he catches it. " we ALL, know everything.."

Currupted looks at his gang again and they nod.

He looks back at me. I speak up.

"I know where he is. I can sense his aura. Please currupted... help us.

.....You know him.."

He seems terrified when said that. His negativity skyrocketed as he looks down at the journal in his hands

"Dream.." he starts. "I do know him. And I know that he cant be helped... he will stop at nothing until your gone. Hes not right in the head dream. I tried to convince him but.. he's to far gone.." he says softly.

I look him in the eye

He looks back at me.

I know you currupted..

Now that I know the real you I can see through you like a glass wall..


....Your lying...."

"No.. I'm not-"

" yes you are......

.....I Can tell..."


"..........What are you hiding currupted...?"


Some secrets are better left unknown.

For now"


I open a portal.

Whatever he was hiding. He was hiding it for a good reason. I know it. If it's best not to help my brother right now. Then I'll wait.

"Come on" I say

"let's go get him"

I silently walk through and everyone else follows.

Killer seemed on edge.

Horror seemed paranoid.

Dust seemed uneasy.

Ink seemed stiff.

Ccino seemed confused.

I was unprepared.

Currupted seemed sorrowful.

And lastly,

As I looked ahead into the snowdin of the new au that we had entered.

I saw nightmare,

Who seemed to be filled with determination

A Currupted StarlightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin