Chapter 13: "what do you look like?"

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Ccino Pov: I sat makeing a nice warm pot of coffee. I watched as it brewed and listened as the tv play in the other room.

It had been a few days sense I'd found 'nightmare'. Though for some reason when I call him by that name he stiffens.

He doesnt talk much, but luckily he began trusting me enough to actually eat the things I give him. I've figured out he doesnt like sweet stuff and has a thing for black coffee.

I have noticed that he'll kinda stare off into space once and a while though. He seems deep in thought..

I just wait for him to snap out of it before I speak to him again. He gets panicked if I do otherwise..

Hes been getting used to the house despite not being able to see.. he'll use his little tentical things to feel around. Making sure not to bump into anything and memorizing where everything is.

Every time he accidentally touches me though he makes his tenticals sharp and aims them in my direction. I have to assure him it's me and make him calm down.

Hes very paranoid..

I watch as the coffee stops brewing. I pick up the cup carefully and walk to the living room.

I see 'nightmare' sitting on the couch listening to the tv. He seems calm. I walk over to him and clear my throat do he knows I'm their. He perks his head up and looks in my direction.

"I got some more black coffee for ya" I say. Smiling despite the fact that he cant see it.

He just reaches his hands out and I gently set the cup in his hands. He fumbles with it for a second, but manages get a good grip on the cup. Luckily not spilling it, unlike last time.. He finds the rim of the cup and takes a sip.

"Thanks" he says. Before going back to listening to the tv.

"No problem." I say.

I sit next to him slowly on the couch so he doesnt freak out at feeling someone sit next to him. He doesnt react. We sit in silence, besides the never ending commercials of mettatons new restaurants or his new shows comming up.

After around 6 or 7 minutes 'nightmare' speaks up suddenly, still looking in the direction on the tv


"..? Yeah..?"

"...... you look like?"

I sit silently.confused and slightly shocked at the sudden question. I look at the tv, Not knowing how to respond.

"Well..." I start "my face is like any other sans.. white eyelights. Cheezy grin. But I'm wearing a light brown, almost cream, colored turtleneck. Along with an apron tied around my waist, and a pair of shorts. I also have pink bunny slippers on... but besides that, that's pretty much it.."

I watch as nightmare seems to try and imagine me. He seems to be struggling.

I smile.

"Here.." I say before grabbing his hand gently and placing his hand on my cheek. He stiffens, but doesn't stop me.

"You can feel my features to try and get a good sense of what I look like."

'Nightmare' is stiff and I fully expected him to slap me or even threaten me. It was a long shot to ask him of this.. but I was willing to risk it..

he didnt slap me or anything along the lines though..

He obliged and listened.

He started feeling my face calmly.. trying to get an image of what I look like. Feeling my face, neck, shoulders and arms, and feeling my cloths as well. He stops when he gets back to my face. He just rests his hand on my cheek


I start to get confused on why hes leaving his hand their, so I ask him. "Is everything alright..?"

"Your face is a lot softer then I imagined.. its.. calming.." he gives an embarrassed laugh.

I feel my face heat up all of a sudden..

I dont know why-

So dont ask me..-


he made me smile when he said that..

It kinda embarrassed me, but I kinda liked it as well.

He removes his hand and I feel kinda disappointed but let it be. I laugh awkwardly.

"Thanks I guess." I say

I watch as he gives a small smile. At first glance it looks evil and sinister..

But as I look at it closer.. I see It was genuine.

I smile wider.

I like this...

It was small chats like this that i longed for.

"Hey.. by the way.. my name isn't nightmare. Call me by my real name."

"....? ......Your.... real name.....?"


I think about the name, confused and shocked slightly. But I end up smiling again..

I laugh.

"Currupted huh..?"

I smile wider.

" that name.."

Dust pov: I walked in the never ending snow of the au. My hood up and im walking calmly. I felt the eyes of the monsters I passed drill into me.

"Kill them.. make them stop staring.." my brother papyrus said. I looked at the ghost head besides me. I glare slightly

"No... we're not here to kill anyone.. not yet.. we're looking for boss first.. then we can kill them once we're done looking. "

"Why do you care about that stupid monster. He treats you like crap and limits you. Dont look for him."

"Shut up"

I feel as papy glares slightly before going silent. I start peaking into houses as I walk. Making sure no one sees me looking into homes.

I walk up to the 4th home I was gonna look in. And I peak through a large window. I freeze.

Laying their on the couch was boss. A skeleton sat next to him watching tv. I feel myself smile and spawn my knife.

"Well well well." I say smiling as I open a portal to the castle where killer and horror are.

"Seems like we're getting our boss back papyrus~"

I walk through the portal to go inform the other as I watch the smile on papy's face grow wider.

And I cant help but smile back

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