Chapter 17: melancholy moments

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Currupteds pov: I sat next to ccino. I couldnt help but smile. The hours that we talked where a blur until something happened. It stuck to my head like glue. I happened so fast.. it's only been a few months sense we met.. but i dont regret the moment we shared.


I put on the sunglasses ccino had thrown in my lap. It almost made waterfall pitch black, seeming how dark waterfall already Is. But as I looked at the bright echo flowers, I realized they didnt hurt my eyes. If only I had these when me and shattered where at the tree.


I felt my negativity rise.

I couldnt stop thinking of him-

He died because of me...

I thought about him for what felt like forever. By the time I snapped back into it. Ccino was hugging me. I felt tears slipping down my face and my breathing was quick.

I dont remember starting to cry. I also dont remember ccino hugging me..

The glasses sat next to me and ccino seemed worried.

"Are you alright..?" Ccino asked softly yet concerned.

I sit in silence, trying to understand what happened. I slowly nod..

Ccino spoke. Hesitant and concerned.



........Who is shattered...?"

.........I froze...

How did he know about him..?

What did I say while I was lost in thought..??

" you dont have to tell me... but you started going into a panic attack.. you where screaming his name and saying you where sorry-. ....It worried me...." ccino says calmly

I looked at the stream and flowing water. Thinking deep in thought.

Should i tell him..?

..What would shattered do in this situation..?


Hes my brother... but....

Hes gone now.."

I say hesitantly. Sorrow filling my voice.

I missed him more than you could imagine.. I still blame myself for his death. Despite not being able to control myself when it happened..

I felt ccino hug me tighter and I leaned into the hug. I actually comforted me...

I havent been hugged in a long time..

It made me a little to comfortable though..

I just blurted it out..

I didn't mean to say it..

And I regretted it as soon as it slipped out of my mouth..

"He died because of me...

I still feel bad for killing him-.."

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