Chapter 12: overthinking

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Dream pov: I was pacing back and forth and taking deep breaths, trying not to break down again. We had came back from the hospital and had set my brother in the glass room currupted had been in.

He'd woken up a while ago and started screaming..

He'd go back and forth between screaming at me in anger, to screaming for me in fear. He would start crying and going into panic attacks every now and then.. his emotions are all over the place.

He was screaming in fear right now. He wouldnt be quiet unless he was asleep or unless he was mumbling to himself to quiet for anyone to hear. But he was barely quiet like that. It was only at night when he thought everyone was asleep.

Blue walks over to me. I'm still pacing.

Blue had come over as soon as he heard about what happened. He comforted me for what felt like hours.

Blue sets down a tray of tacos and walks over, suddenly hugging me, stopping me from pacing.

I look at him confused slightly

"Are you ok dream..? Your worrying me.."

"Oh- I'm alright..! Just a little worried is all..."

Blue gives a small smile

"dont worry. Your brother will be alright. We called in sci to come look at him to figure out the best way to help. He'll be back to normal in no time! But meanwhile, let's snack on some tacos!" He says. Suddenly beaming.

I cant help but laugh. I feel blues positivity rise as he sees me happy. Ink walks in and smiles.

"Sci's here. Hes watching nightmare." He walks over calmly and places a hand on my shoulder "we'll have your brother back in no time. I promise." He smiles wider and I smile back.

I take a taco and take a bite. The flavors seem to melt in my mouth and i smile at blue and nod, he smiles at seeing I like it. Ink takes one as well and bites into it

"Mmm." He swallows it "I swear, your tacos get better and better every time you make them blue..!"

I watch as blue beams. "Thank you!" Blue states..

We sit on the couch and eat silently for a while.

Ink finishes first and just sits their staring at the table. I go to say something but he says something first..

"So...." ink starts "what are we gonna do about currupted..? Hes still out their... he probably ran back to his gang."

I silently finish my taco before talking "..........No..."


"No.. he didnt.....His gang is still spreading negativity, yes.. but their still angry.. I can still sense a large amount of resentment from them. Not to mention I havent sensed currupteds negative aura anywhere. The main sources of negativity are his gang and my brother."

"Your brother..?"

"Yeah.. hes scared and angry. If you couldnt tell.."

Ink suddenly goes quiet. I look at him to see him deep in thought. Both I and blue stay silent.


........... dream...."

"....Yes ink..?"

"Do you think currupted died?"


"You just said that you havent sensed him. He has a negative aura right? You should be able to sense him anywhere he is....."

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