Chapter 20: this story is wrong

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Ccino pov: I rushed through the portal dream had opened. I didnt know who everyone was. But I could guess who was who based on the description currupted gave me. We walked through and I felt like everyone was staring at me. I felt confused on what was going on. Currupted had told me his past but, I dont feel like I know everything.

I feel like something is missing

. . . This story is wrong . . .

I looked around to see everyone else staring at someone. I look up to see a small skeleton in a purple button up. A gold crown on his head and crazed purple eyes.

I knew who it was just by the look on his face.

It was nightmare.

He smiled at seeing dream.

But I could tell that look turned to frustration, distress, and even fear as he met eyes with currupted.

I dont have a good feeling about this.

This isnt how this is supost to go...

. . . This Story is wrong . . .

"Nightmare.." currupted spoke calmly.

"What are you doing here. Your supost to be dead. Why havent the au's killed you yet" nightmare spoke. His voice filled with anger.

"Nightmare you need to listen to me. Not them." Currupted spoke. Not looking away from nightmare.

"Them..?" Dream spoke. Clearly confused. "Currupted what's going on."

Currupted just ignored him..

"You dont tell me what to do" says nightmare.

"All the villagers are dead nightmare. Their hallucinations.. their trying to convince you that you deserved it. Their trying to convince you that dream is bad. Their lying-!"

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!!" nightmare yells.

But only him and currupted where speaking.

. . . This Story Is wrong . . .

"Nightmare listen to me"

"Shut up-"

"Your free"

"No I'm not"

"You dont have to hurt him."

"Yes I do"

"You dont have to hate yourself anymore"

"Your a liar"

Why where they doing this.

This isnt how this is supost to go.

Looking at everyones faces and expression, they knew it to.





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