Chapter 16: an unfamiliar smile

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Killer Pov: I sat silently as I looked at the floor of the large living room. Horror sat on the floor and dust sat on an armchair next to the couch I was on. Dust was reading the notebook aloud, while horror was quietly listening and examining the clip at the end of the video with the two figures in the tree. I still had trouble understanding it all. It all came so fast. All the information was like a truck to the face..

As dust read more and more, the more concerned and shocked both him and horror got. Once dust was done reading it aloud. Horror showed him the tape and they looked at the photo. They sat in shock. Disbelief filling their expressions.

"..Is..this........ are they..." dust asked, as he looked at the camera footage.

"I think so.." horror said.

"I think the two in the tree are boss, aka currupted, and his brother shattered." I state. Assuming that's what they where talking about. And they nod in agreement.

"We really need to find boss.. more than ever.." dust replies.

Horror nods in agreement.

"This would also explain why dream always called boss 'brother', but boss always said that he wasnt.. it also means dream still most likely doesnt know that currupted and shattered even exist. He still thinks currupted and nightmare are the same.."

"I know the au boss is in." Dust states "so we have to go get him before the star sanses finds him."

Horror shoots up from the ground.

"Then what are we waiting for!?????" He yells. I get up as well. Dust not far behind me.

Dust opens a portal to an au and we rush through. Dust ushers us to follow him and he puts up his hood. He starts fast walking to a house. Luckily no one was in the area. Most likely due to a genocide run or something. Or maybe no one just happened to be here. I don't know..

Dust gets to the house and looks in the window.

"Crap!" He yells.

"What?" Horror asks.

"He left! He was laying right their on that couch!" Dust says, pointing at a couch on the inside of the building.

"Let's search the au then." I say "he might have just left to anothe part of the au."

Horror and dust nods but horror asks a question. " should we split up or stay together..?"

"Hmm.." I think. "Good question.. let's stay together. If the star sanses show up due to our negativity, then we need to be together to fight them.. let's go check the ruins. Make sure to hide if you see the human of the au. If this au even has one."

They nod in agreement and we all teleport away to the ruins. Waiting and hoping to find some sort of sign of our boss.

That book he wrote...

Theirs so many things we dont know.

And We want answers.

Dream pov: ink and I sat at the large dining room table. Nightmare was asleep. He had been getting better. But hes oddly silent.. he refused to talk to us. If we try and touch him he'll flinch. He no longer yells randomly. Only when I try and talk to him. If he sees me he just curls up and whispers to himself. Sci has been giving him sleeping pills, sense lately hes refused to sleep. We have to force the pills into his mouth and make him swallow by lifting up his head, but we make sure not to hurt him.

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