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The day of the Tiara-Thalon dawned as pink as leprechaun tongues.

Outside the Grove, the students of Ever After High gathered, dressed in running, biking, swimming, or gardening clothes. Everyone was talking, pointing, examining the horrible damage done to Lizzie’s precious garden, plants wilted and gray, great claw marks slashed through the grass, trees tipped over, roots exposed.

Several students gathered around the sole remaining fluxberry bush, marveling how the berries constantly shifted in color—green one moment, then twinkling into a twilight blue, magic yellow, butterfly-wing pink…

Apple: Listen up, everybody!

She wore sporty white capris, a red Ever After High T-shirt, and gold-trimmed gardening gloves. You stood beside her, wearing a pair of green shorts, a black tank top, and plain leather gardening gloves.

Y/N: The race will begin and end at the Grove. Runners take off from here to the lake. After getting the relay scrolls from the swimmers, the bikers cross the finish line back here, where we’ll all spend the afternoon working in Lizzie’s wonderlandiful Grove. As the Tiara-thalon’s sponsor, the Glass Slipper has generously donated gardening tools.

Ashlynn: The store’s owners were enchanted to help when they heard about Lizzie’s plight!

She was surrounded by a horde of hovering pixies from the Enchanted Forest who’d come to lend a tiny hand.

Apple: How charming! Lizzie will show us how to replant the uprooted trees and extract seeds, shoots, and stem cuttings from the surviving plants to regrow the ones that were lost.

Lizzie stood at the head of the crowd, holding her scepter regally, her chin up, eyes distant. But inside, Lizzie’s very large heart felt pinched. Her beautiful Grove ravaged!

Some creature must have attacked Ever After High during their mysterious Grimmnasium nap, though besides some torn clothing and misplaced furniture, the only sign of damage was in her Grove.

Cedar Wood put a hand on Lizzie’s elbow.

Cedar: Don’t worry. I’ll help you, Lizzie. We all will.

Lizzie felt certain she’d heard those words before.

Lizzie: Off with your head.

It was said in the same tone someone else might say Thank you.

Briar: Let’s get this running, swimming, biking, planting party started, already! Athletes, get in position! Hey, Lizzie, want to help me start the race with my glitter-bomb catapult?

Lizzie’s upper lip trembled with the effort to keep stiff. She very, very, very much wanted to help with the glitter-bomb catapult. But would that be unseemly?

Lizzie: Off.....

Y/N: Oh, just help us set it up, already.

Lizzie dropped a round, brilliantly colored glitter bomb into the launching cup.

Lizzie: You do the honors. You know, in case it misfires.

Briar: YOLOUAT! You only live once upon a time!

You pulled the lever.

The glitter bomb flew high over the heads of the crowd and exploded into a million pieces of glitter sparkling in the morning sun.

Students: Ooooh.

The runners took off.

Ever After High (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now