The Dark Horse

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The Castleteria was bustling with activity as students ate lunch. Hagatha, the lunch lady, was an expert at fixing meals for all sorts of palates and all sizes of stomachs. Porridge was always on the menu, as were curds and whey.

The day’s lunch special was cheeseburgers, grilled by dragon fire, with a helping of enormous green beans, provided by the giants. Duchess really liked green things, so her plate was piled high.

She sat at her regular table. Sometimes Lizzie ate with her, but sometimes Lizzie joined the other students from Wonderland. Duchess had tried sitting with them, but the constant stream of Riddlish had made her head hurt.

She’d tried sitting with the other Royal princesses, but the conversation always turned to the tension between the Royals and the Rebels, which ruined her appetite. Those Rebels were always creating drama when it wasn’t needed. They should be focused on their grades and doing their best, like she did.

Duchess didn’t mind eating alone, especially on that particular day. She had a lot to think about. She picked up a giant green bean and began to gnaw on it the way one gnaws on an ear of corn. What rotten and nasty thing could she do by Friday? How could she compete with students whose blood contained the DNA for evil?

Y/N: Anyone sitting here?

Dutchess looked up to see you standing there. While you would usually eat with your friends or the other Ozzians, you decided you needed a break to think about your conversation with Mr. Badwolf.

And this was the only other table with open seats.

Dutchess: Nope.

Y/N: Cool.

You sat down a few seats away. Dutchess noticed your plate was full of a random assortment of food, but mostly meat. Protein, she figured.

You just sighed and started to eat.

Blondie: Hello, fellow fairytales!

The mirrors mounted on the Castleteria walls suddenly lit up.

Ruby: It’s time for a brand-new edition of Just Right!

Theme music for the popular MirrorCast began to play. Everyone stopped eating, or walking, or talking, or all of the above, and turned to watch the nearest mirror. A face appeared. A very smiley, very perky, very pretty face that belonged to Blondie Lockes, the host of the show.

Blondie, the daughter of Goldilocks, told everyone that she was a Royal, though this was in doubt. She called herself a reporter, but in Duchess’s opinion, that was also in doubt. Blondie was a snoop, and no information was safe around her.

But Ruby, your sister, was also there. This came as a surpised to both you and Dutchess. You didn't know she was co-hosting now. But she did look like she was about to have a whole lot of fun.

Blondie: As usual, I have the latest scoop on what’s happening at Ever After High! And joining me this week is intern Ruby Ozymandias.

Ruby: Hello!

Even Duchess set down her green bean. Blondie might have been as annoying as a feather tickling one’s nose, but who doesn’t love the latest gossip? What was Blondie going to spill today? A secret romance? A broken curfew? Another student deciding to become a Rebel?

Blondie’s mane of thick curls bounced against her shoulders.

Blondie: On this very morning, Raven Queen and six other students in the General Villainy class were named the worst group of future evildoers in the history of our school by Mr. Badwolf. And that is a direct quote from the spider who sat beside her.

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