Cerise's Concert

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Hey. So, vote is over. We have a winner. You can tell by the title who it is. I really wanted Lizzie to win, but she didn't.

I don't even want to write this chapter......so I won't!

For this chapter I hand it over to a very special friend of mine aka boyfriend aka the man, the myth, and the legend aka a writer that you may know of.

Coming out of retirement, I give you....

*drum roll*


Have fun!
You fixed your jacket once again as you approached the girls' dorm. You were a bit nervous, as one usually would be before asking a girl on a date, but you carried yourself with confidence. It was something your father told you when you were younger.

Confidence is key. It was your rule of thumb when it comes to talking to people. Keep your head high, try not to shake too much, and keep eye contact.

You had this. Surely you had this. Besides, Cerise was cool with you. She seemed to like hanging out with you. You both bonded over a crazy basket running game.

And while boys were genuinely not allowed in the girls' dorm house, it was still daytime so you were able to move freely. Some of the girls even greeted you as you walked by.

You came to a stop in front of Cerise's room. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

When it opened, it wasn't Cerise who answered.

Cedar: Oh, hey, Y/N. This is a surprise.

You smiled. Oddly, you felt more comfortable with seeing her instead of Cerise right away.

Y/N: Hey, Cedar. Is Cerise here?

Cedar: Yep. Hold on.

Cedar left the door and walked back into the room. After a moment of waiting, and some hush whispers between the girls, Cerise popped up at the door.

Cerise: Morning, Y/N. What's up?

You laughed a bit at the sight of her still messy hair. She must've been getting ready for school. You could even see her freckles since she didn't have any make-up on.

Y/N: Sorry to bother you out of the blue like this.

Cerise: It’s okay. You can bother me whenever you want.......as long as I'm awake.

You both laughed awkwardly. This was more nerve-wracking than you had originally thought. You never really done this before. You were usually busy studying or, you know, working on your quest towards vengeance.

Cerise: So, what did you need?

Y/N: Oh, right. Well, I was wondering if, uh......

You stopped and looked up in thought. How do you do this?

Y/N: Uh, *ahem*, you going to that concert tonight?

Cerise: Well....

Before she could answer, Cedar yelled from inside of the room.

Cedar: Yes she is!

Cerise shrugged.

Y/N: C-Cool. Well, how would you like to, uh, go....

You found the words lost in your throat.

Cerise: Yeah?

Y/N: Go with.....

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