One Reflection

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Water was a strange thing for you. It was the first thing to give you a sense of safety after you watched the Emerald City get destroyed in that nightmarish blaze. It was also something you never swam in as a child.

Not a lot of lakes or rivers in Oz.

Water was also something that always helped to calm your nerves. It soothed the pain you sometimes felt from the scars and burns that littered your body in odd places.

Water was where you currently were.

You swam with a magic plant which gifted you the ability to breathe underwater. Water's Root, you recalled it being called by Baba Yaga. With it, you were able to descend deeper into the Enchanted Lake to look for a special ingredient to a potion you needed made.

This ingredient was found among the cliff rocks which were just above an underwater cave. You held onto the rock with one hand to keep from drifting away. With your free hand you pulled out a small glass container.

You pressed it against the wall and scraped some of the underwater moss that grew against the rocks. This may be odd, but you found it was better not to question a 5,000 year old witch.

You pushed yourself off the rocks and began to return towards the surface of the lake.

Back on shore, Ruby waited with a towel and a change of clothes for you. She also had a picnic basket, which she had borrowed from Cerise, which was full of food that she had made.

Now that you had your own room, meaning no interruptions or questions from curious, well meaning roommates, you were able to work on things you couldn't before. And since Ruby was the only other person in the world who knew your secrets, she was usually around to help.

She looked up from Blondie's MirrorCast she was playing on her Mirror when she heard your head break water. You steadied yourself as the effects of the Water's Root began to wear off. Once it was completely gone, you swam back to shore.

Ruby: That was pretty quick. Did you get it?

You held up the small container to show your prize.

Ruby: Serpentine Moss. Looks like you have everything you need to get to work now, huh?

Y/N: Seems like it.

You walked onto land and Ruby tossed you the towel.

Ruby: So, with this potion....

Y/N: Wicked Rub.

Ruby: You'll be able to go without wearing your ring for longer periods of time? What would be the point of that?

You dried yourself off and began to pull on the fresh, dry clothes that Ruby had neatly folded beside her.

Y/N: Because, when me and Raven proved Maddie innocent and stopped the Evil Queen, I almost lost composure when I used her magic. I don't want that to happen incase I need to do ot again.

Ruby shrugged.

Ruby: Better safe than sorry, I guess. Now hurry up and eat. You haven't had anything since breakfast.

You finished changing and sat down on the otherside of the basket. Ruby reached in and pulled out two sandwiches, handing you one.

As you ate, you felt yourself at peace. It was as if you were finally able to just sit down and relax. No running against time, no Rebels nor Royal nonsense, nothing.

It was nice.

But, of course, not good lasts forever.

Mr. Grimm: Y/N!

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