The Story of A Neutral

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You had heard about Ever After High before. But what really caught your ear was what was known as Legacy Day.

A very special occasion where the students pledge, in front of the entire magical world, to follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Though, this year, things didn't really go as planned. More on that later.

Of course, you didn't need some book to tell you what to do. You were already planning on following in your father's footsteps, but you needed to do that on your own.

Maddie: Could you stop with the intro and just get to us? Peas and crackers.

Uh, sorry?

Anyway, Legacy Day can wait. For now, let us focus on two people who you will come to see as close friends.

Raven: Um, who are you talking to?

Raven: Um, who are you talking to?

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This is Raven Queen. The daughter of the Evil Queen. And she was walking to school with her best friend, Maddie. The girl you met yesterday. Floating in front of Raven was her chest full of her personal belongings.

Maddie: The narrator. Oh, but you can't hear them, Raven. Only I can.

She giggled while Raven just accepted her explanation. She knew better than to try and find reason in Maddie's words.

Raven: Okay. Can I talk now?

Maddie looked up into the sky. And I shall allow it.

Raven: It's just, I'm so sick and tired of people thinking I'm evil because my mom was. It's not fair!

Her sudden burst sent her chest flying away in a swirl of black magic. Maddie watched it go before she comforted her friend.

Maddie: No one thinks you're evil. Now you're just talking crazy.

Raven laughed.

Raven: The daughter of the Mad Hatter calls me crazy.

She then sighed. Maybe she had a point. Maybe Raven was just overreacting. Besides, how could everyone be so afraid of her if she hasn't done anything evil?

Maddie: Will you stop with the worry flurry? Everyone at school loves you!

The two then entered said school, and immediately one of the three pig brothers screamed.

Porky: It's Raven Queen! RUN!

Everyone who was in the halls immediately began to scatter to safety until there was no one left. Only Raven and Maddie were left to stand alone.

Maddie: See? They love you!


The two girls stepped aside just as your little sister slid into the empty school. Though she meant for this to be her grand entrance, she failed to realize that there wasn't anyone there to see it.

Ever After High (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now