Chapter 16: Dark

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3 three weeks after they got their new hideout, it's 2:30 am, Wolf is fast asleep in his bed and Tom is watching t.v.
Wolf: No Tim, No Rose, No guys, NO!
Wolf then jolts awake and is sweating bullets and is breathing heavliy. (Wolf sleeps with his trench coat off)
Wolf: oh, it was just a nightmare, thank fucking god it was just a nightmare.
Wolf then gets up out of bed and walks out of his bedroom and to the living room.
Wolf: *sees Tom watching t.v* hey dude.
Tom: hey man.
Wolf then walks into the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee and walks into the basement which has machinery and a doctor's table in the center of the room, along with cupboards on the walls.
John: Jake I swear to God if that's you I wi-
John then turns around revealing Wolf without his signature black trench coat on, holding a cup of coffee.
John: oh hey Wolf.
Wolf: hey Doc, I made you a cup of coffee since I knew you would come upstairs to get one.
Wolf then hands John the cup of coffee.
John: thanks Wolf.
Wolf: your welcome John.
John then turns back around facing his desk and looks at his computer.
John: hey Wolf?
Wolf: yeah Doc?
John: what's your full name by the way, you never told me what it is yet.
Wolf: Wolf C Amber is my full name Doc, The C stands for Bitch.
John: oh ok, Also why do you refer to me as Doc?
Wolf: cause you basically are one.
John: ok Wolf, one last thing though.
Wolf: ok, sure what is it?
John: what are your pro nouns by the way?
Wolf: my preferred pronouns are they/them yet I'm perfectly ok with being preferred to with he/him pro nouns, I'm an Agender Asexual.
John: wow I did not know that.
John: by the way how's your metal plate replacing your bottom jaw doing?
Wolf: Great it's been doing great.
John: ok, by the way I was scanning the area of central city once when I saw a teletubby that had greyish black fur, a scar over its right eye, and it's left eye had a red glow coming from it, think you can get Tom on it for me?
Wolf: sure thing Doc, i will.
Wolf then leaves the basement and sees Jake in the kitchen.
Wolf: Jake stay here and watch the base for us, Doc needs me and Tom to check something out in central city.
Jake: ok sure thing pal.
Wolf: Tom grab your stuff we're going to central city.
Tom: ok.
Wolf and Tom grab their stuff and on the way out Wolf grabs his trench coat and puts it on.
They then get in their car and drive to central city.
They then arrive at central city and exit the car.
Wolf: now it should be here.
Tom: maybe if we check the train station we might find something there Wolf.
Wolf: ok then let's go to the train station then.
They then walk over to the central city train station.
Wolf: hello anybody or anything thing here?
Tom then sees a red glow come straight towards them.
Tom: Wolf DUCK!
Wolf: what wh-
Dark grabs Wolf and throws him out of the train station so hard it knocks Wolf out.
Tom: Wolf!
Dark: hahaha come on Tom fight me.
Tom: with pleasure.
Tom then starts to punch Dark and kicks him in the stomach, dark then grabs tom by the throat and dashes out of the station slams Tom into the ground multiple times, Tom then pushs dark off of him and grabs his knife attached to some rope and jabs it into dark's arm, dark then grabs the knife and stabs Tom in the arms causing Tom to scream in pain, Tom then punches dark multiple times in the face and chest severely damaging Dark, Tom then round house kicks Dark sending him flying.
Dark: I'll get you next time Tom.
Dark then teleports away.
Wolf: woah. *rubs my head*
Tom: Wolf glad to see your awake Wolf, now drive us back to the base so Doc can bandage my arms.
Wolf: sure thing bud.
They then get in their car and drive back to the base.
They arrive back at the base and then get out the car and enter the base and go into the basement.
John: hey guys.
Tom: sup Doc can you bandage up my arms for me?
John: sure thing Tom.
John then grabs some bandages and wraps them around Tom's arms.
John: hey Tom?
Tom: yeah Doc?
John: What's your gender and sexuality, cause Wolf told me he's an Agender Asexual, I'm interested.
Tom: I was born a female yet i wore masculine clothing and underwent a surgery when I was 11 that turned my body into a male body, yeah I got a surgery that changed my whole body, as for my sexuality I'm Bisexual meaning that I can experience sexual attraction to more one gender, in simple terms I'm a Transgender Bisexual, Jake is Gay.
John: oh woah cool and good to know Tom.
Wolf: ok yeah so guys I'm making a hotdog for myself and then probably going back to sleep after.
Wolf then leaves the basement and goes into the kitchen.
Tom and John then leave the basement and walk into the kitchen.
Wolf then takes off his trench coat and puts it on a coat hook near the front door and makes him self a hotdog and grabs it and sits on the couch.

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