Chapter 11: the megaified machine.

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The group's stop at a military base and get out the car and enter the military base.
Wolf: now last I was told there's a machine that can megaify someone to make them even stronger than they were, I want to get megaifed so I stand a better chance when I fight shadow.
Samantha: ok let's search for it.
Henry: let's not split up ok guy's?
Jake: ok.
Wolf and the group then hear a slight humming and walk over to it.
Wolf: there it is.
Tom: Jesus Christ.
Wolf: well let's get this over with guy's.
Wolf then gets in the machine.
Wolf: ready.
Jake then walks over to the console and activates it.
Jake then types something's on the console, and enhances increases Wolf's strength speed endurance dexterity marksmanship intelligence intellect and the rest of his abilities.
The machine then opens revealing Wolf, but a bit different, he is now 7'6 feet tall, his right arm is now a dark red crustacean like arm with spikes on the shoulder and wrist, the hand is slightly darker and has claws on it.
Wolf: *looks at my right arm and smiles* ok guy's I'm ready.
Jake: Wolf the machine has enhanced all of your abilities, including your reflexes reaction speed strength speed endurance detexrity marksmanship intellect etc.
Wolf: ok.
Wolf then notices he's a bit taller.
Wolf: wait did it also increase my height?
Henry: yup, your now 7 feet 6 inches tall buddy.
Wolf: ok, let's go.
Wolf and the group then start to leave the base, also due to Wolf's speed being enhanced the group can almost barely keep up with him.
Wolf: Jake your driving.
Jake: ok Wolf.
They all then get in the car, and continue driving to the shadow tubby's lair.
Wolf then starts to inspect his new right arm.
Wolf: I wonder what this sucker can do?
Wolf then immediately passes out.

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