Chapter 7: the goggles

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It was 6:46 am when Wolf and john wake up.
John: yawns and stretches.
Wolf: stretches and cracks my knuckle's.
Wolf: morning John.
John: good morning Wolf.
Wolf: what time is it?
John then looks at the clock and sees it is 6:46 am.
John: it's 6:46 am Wolf.
Wolf: Jesus Christ.
Wolf: I pretty sure everyone else is asleep.
John: hey Wolf how tall are you?
Wolf: 6'2.
Wolf: how tall are you?
John: 5'10.
Wolf: ok.
Wolf then gets up while gripping the machine.
John: I'm going into the base want to come?
Wolf: John you said I have to be here for a day or two.
John: this one time I'll make an exception.
Wolf and john then leave then medical tent and go into the base.
John then walks into a room and sees a chainsaw.
John: why is there a chainsaw here?
Wolf then looks at the chainsaw before remembering who it used belonged to.
Wolf: that's walten's chainsaw.
John: who?
Wolf: walten, you know the guardian, he knew my parents.
John: I did not know that.
Wolf: ok.
Wolf: I wonder if it still works.
Wolf then walks over to it let's go of the machine and grabs the chainsaw and revs it up causing it to activate.
Wolf: it still works John.
John: I want it.
Wolf then hands John the chainsaw and john puts it on his back.
Wolf then sees a pair of black crimson tinted goggles and walks over to them and grabs them.
John: what's that you got?
Wolf: a pair of black crimson tinted goggles, I'm keeping these.
Wolf then puts the goggles in his pocket.
Wolf then trips over something.
Wolf: what did I just trip on?
Wolf then sees he tripped on a chair.
Wolf: I tripped on a god damn chair.
John: ok, come let's go.
Wolf then gets up and notices his sun glasses are cracked.
Wolf: GOD damn it.
John: what is it?
Wolf: when I tripped on the chair I cracked my sun glasses, the lenses are cracked.
John: wait, why do you wear sun glasses?
Wolf: BECAUSE OF THESE. *points to my black eyes with red pupils*
John: oh.
Wolf then remembers he just found a pair of black crimson tinted goggles, and takes them out of his pocket and puts them on after taking off his cracked sun glasses.
John: well how do they feel?
Wolf: I love them already.
Wolf then hands John his sun glasses.
Wolf then walks over to the machine and grips it.
Wolf and john then leave the base and go back to the medical tent.
Wolf then sits back down on the bed.
John then sees it is 7:36 am.
John: Wolf we were in the base for almost an hour.
Wolf: Jesus Christ.
Suddenly Jake and Tom walk in.
John: well you guys are up early.
Tom: what do you mean we woke up at 6:26 am.
Jake: we saw you guys walk into the base.
Tom then notices Wolf is wearing a pair of black crimson tinted goggles.
Tom: Wolf since when do you wear goggles?
Wolf: since almost an hour ago, we were about to leave when I tripped on a chair and cracked the lenses of my sun glasses.
Jake: christ.
Wolf: I know right?
Wolf: also we found the guardians old chainsaw, I gave it to john.
Jake: ok.
Wolf: hey Tom I've been wanting to ask you this for a while.
Tom: yeah what is it?
Wolf: why do you never wear a shirt?
Tom: my chest overheats if I wear a shirt.
Jake: oh ok.
Suddenly they hear something and walk out of the medical tent.
They see a couple of newborns attacking the camp, soldier's are trying to kill them.
Jake: god damn it, it's too early for this.
Wolf then forces off the machine hooked up to him, takes one of his desert eagles off his waist, and takes his dragon sword off his back.
Wolf: *starts to shoot the newborns and runs over to them slicing one's head with his dragon sword*
One of the newborns then sees Wolf and trys to attack but Wolf then slices off its head.
Tom then throws his knife attached to some rope at one and pulls it's head off.
Jake then takes out his knife and m16 and stabs one newborn and shoots the other.
John then grabs his VSS Vintorez rifle and shoots one newborn and then puts his rifle on his back and takes off the chainsaw and revs it it up.
Wolf then shoots 6 more newborns in the head.
Wolf then kills the last 3 newborns and puts his desert eagle back on his waist while still holding his dragon sword.
Wolf: I'm getting tired of this.
Jake: I know.
Wolf: guys stock up your weapon's.
Jake: why?
Wolf: we're stopping the tubby responsible for all this madness.
Jake: ok.
Wolf Tom and jake then stock up their weapons, get in a car and drive away.

1 hour later, they're driving to a city to get some extra help.
Jake is driving, Tom is in the passenger seat, and Wolf is in the back.
Jake: how much farther is it?
Wolf: 2 hours.
Tom: I can tell this is going to be a long drive, I'm taking a nap.
Tom then crosses his legs and puts both his hands behind his head and falls asleep.
Wolf then crosses his legs and puts both his hands behind his head.
A few seconds later Wolf falls fast asleep.
Jake: dear Christ someone help me.

2 hours later they arrive at the city.
Wolf and Tom then wake up.
Tom: we there?
Jake: yeah.
They then grab their stuff and exit the car.
Wolf: come on guys, follow me.
Tom: also what city is this?
Jake: when I drove into it I saw a sign that said central city.
Wolf: I was born here in case you didn't know.
Tom: ok Wolf.
Wolf then leads Tom and Jake to a bus and knocks on the door.
The door opens revealing a teletubby with dusty grey fur wearing a military uniform, he has a scar over his left eye.
Teletubby: oh hey Wolf long time no see.
Wolf: hey Henry.
Henry: please come on in.
Wolf Tom and Jake then go into the bus and close the door.
Henry: Wolf I haven't seen you since you were 27.
Wolf: yeah I know it's been a while.
Henry: so what brings you here.
Wolf: we need your help killing the tubby responsible for all this madness.
Henry: who?
Wolf: shadow.
Henry: the ugly dude who killed your wife and son, That shadow?
Wolf: yeah that shadow.
Henry: ok but let me grab my stuff first.
Henry then grabs a pair of Uzi's with extended magazines and a katana, he puts the katana on his back and the Uzi's on his waist.
Henry then grabs a military mask and puts it on.
Henry: ok I'm ready let's go.
They all then leave the bus and go back to the car.
Tom: I'm driving.
Tom then gets in the driver's seat, Jake get in the passenger seat, Wolf and Henry get in the back.
They then turn to see a bunch of scorpion newborns.
Wolf: Jake.
Jake: yeah?
Wolf: DRIVE!
Jake: but-
Henry and Wolf: JUST DRIVE!
Jake then puts the petal to the metal and drives away.
A couple minutes later Tom is asleep, Jake is driving, while Wolf and Henry are talking with one another.
Henry: dang dude that's crazy.
Wolf: I know right?
Wolf then laughs.
Wolf: hey Henry I forgot how tall you are.
Henry: I'm 6'1.
Wolf: we're almost the same height.
Henry: in case you forgot I'm a male but I identify as a biromantic.
Wolf: I forgot about that.
Henry: Wolf what is your sexuality?
Wolf: I'm Asexual, that means i experience little to no sexual attraction to other's.
Wolf: Tom is bisexual, Jake is Gay.
Wolf: wait Henry isn't your sister transgender?
Henry: yeah she is.
Wolf: I think my dad was demiromantic, while my mom was panromantic.
Henry: dang.
Wolf: hey Jake.
Jake: yeah?
Wolf: you remember where we're going?
Jake: yeah I do.
Wolf: good.
5 hours later they arrive at a gas station.
Wolf: come on guys let's grab some hotdogs.
They all each grab 3 hotdogs with mustard.
They all sit down and start to eat.
Wolf lowers his mask revealing his metal plate replacing his bottom jaw and starts to eat.
A few minutes later they finish their hotdogs and get back in the car and continue driving to their destination.

Author: almost 1,500 words guys jesus christ.

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