Chapter 8: the drive

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An hour later Jake Tom Wolf and Henry are still driving.
Tom is passed out.
Jake: *sighs* I want to kill myself.
Wolf: don't we all?
Tom: hey shut up, I'm trying to sleep.
Henry: sorry.
Jake: I need a cig.
Jake then stops the car and takes out a pack of cigarettes and grabs one and puts the pack back, and lights it.
Jake then keeps on driving.
Henry: so Wolf why do you wear a mask?
Wolf: *lowers my mask revealing my metal plate replacing my bottom jaw*
Henry: Jesus.
Wolf: *Pulls my mask back up*
Wolf: *takes my dragon sword off my back and looks at it*
Henry: how long have you had the dragon sword Wolf?
Wolf: ever since I was 12 years old.
Jake: dear god.
Wolf: *puts my dragon sword back on my back*
Wolf then hears something.
Wolf: I could of sworn I just heard something.
Wolf then shrugs his shoulders.
Jake: how much longer till we get to the next tubby's location?
Wolf: 1 hour.
Jake: *groans*
Tom then wakes up.
Tom: *pushs my glasses up and rubs my eyes*
Henry: hey Tom your awake finally.
Tom: yeah ok.
Tom then sees an injured teletubby.
Tom: Jake stop the car there's someone injured.
Jake: ok.
Jake then stops the car.
Tom then gets out the and walks over to the injured teletubby.
Tom: sir are you ok?
Teletubby: I'm fine.
Tom then puts his arm over the teletubby's shoulder and brings him over to the car.
Wolf: who's that?
Tom: I saw him injured.
Wolf then grabs the injured teletubby and puts him in the car.
Teletubby: *coughs up blood*
Henry: christ.
Henry then grabs some bandage's and starts to patch the injured teletubby up.
Wolf: sir how did this happen?
Teletubby: .........
Jake then starts the car and continues driving.
Suddenly the teletubby starts to shake.
Wolf: what the?
The teletubby then says something.
Teletubby: you can't run forever Wolf.
The teletubby then tries to attack Wolf but Wolf grabs one of his desert eagles and shoots him multiple times killing him.
Wolf: what in God's name was that?
Henry: I got and have no idea what.
Jake: what did he mean when he said you can't run forever Wolf?
Wolf: I have and got no idea Jake just keep driving.
Jake: ok.
Tom: Henry how long you known Wolf?
Henry: ever since we were kid's.
Tom: ok good to know.
Tom then sees a newborn in the road.
Tom: *grabs my Smith and Wesson 500 and shoots the newborn killing it*
Tom: my Lord that was a close one.
Jake: thanks Tom.
Tom: your welcome Jake.

1 hour later they reach the next tubby's location.
Wolf: we're here guys.
They all then grab their stuff and exit the car.
Wolf: follow me guys.
They all then follow Wolf and enter a house supposedly abandoned.
They enter it and go upstairs.
Wolf: hey you still here?
Suddenly a female teletubby with dusty purple fur wearing a military uniform appears from the master bedroom.

Female teletubby: hey Wolf, hey Henry.
Wolf: hey Emily.
Henry: hey em.
Emily: what do you need?
Henry then shows her a picture of shadow and points to it.
Henry: we're going to stop him.
Emily: ok, just let me grab my gun.
Emily then goes into the master bedroom and grabs a katana sword and a m1911 with extended magazine and lasersight, and walks out the master bedroom.
Emily: ok I got my stuff let's go.
They then leave the house.
They hear something and turn to see a yeti like newborn.
They all then hide.
Emily: *whispering* what is that thing.
Jake then has a shocked and fearful expression on his face.
Jake: *whispering* yeti.
Tom: *whispering* Jake how do know his name?
Jake: *whispering* the people I used to work for created him and 2 others, we thought he ran away, but i guess he came back.
Wolf: *whispering* well how do we get to the damn car?
Emily: *whispering* well let's create a distraction somehow.
Wolf: *whispering* hey does anyone have a grenade?
Emily: *whispering* I got one.
Emily then hands Wolf the grenade.
Wolf then pulls the pin and throws it far and it explodes getting yeti's attention.
Yeti: *growls and walks over to the sound*
Tom: *whispering* ok now lets make a run for it.
They then gun for the car and get in.
Jake then turns the key, causing the car to start but also get yeti's attention.
Yeti: *turns and sees them*
Yeti: *roars at them*
Henry Tom Wolf and Emily: FLOOR IT JAKE!
Jake then immediately stomps his foot onto the petal and starts to drive fast.
Yeti: *starts to chase them*
Jake then starts to drive faster.
Wolf then sees a rocket launcher and grabs and points it at yeti.
Wolf: eat this sucker.
Wolf then fires the rocket at yeti, causing him to become unconscious.
Wolf: he's unconscious guys now lets get far away from here.

Somewhere else the injured teletubby from earlier get's up and puts his hands on his head and screams in pain,
A black goo like substance start to cover his body, spikes appear on his back and the back of his arms, the black goo like substance then cover it's entire body with a smile of razor sharp fangs with some blood on them.

It then get's up and smiles.

Shadow: finally.

Shadow: now I got some unfinished business to take care of.

Shadow: Wolf you can't run forever, you WILL be apart of my army.

Back to the group.

Jake: how many more tubby's do we need Wolf?
Wolf: only one more Jake.

Wolf: I'm going to sleep.
Wolf then puts his hands on the back of his head and crosses his legs and falls asleep.

Author: Well guys you happy shadow finally appeared?  


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