Chapter 10: the long journey

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It's 24 hours later, they've been driving for what Jake describes as forever.
Jake: how much longer till we get there?
Wolf: 22 hours.
Emily: *sighs*
Tom: *is sleeping*
Henry: hey Wolf why do you hate the shadow tubby so much?
Samantha: yeah why?
Wolf: when I was 25, Rose was 24, Tim was 5, we were hanging out with Tom and Jake when we heard 6 of the neighbors houses blowup, we knew we had to get out, that's when we saw him, he killed Rose and Tim right in front of me and I snapped and tried to shoot him but the bullets bounced right off him, he broke my arm, ripped off my bottom jaw, and summoned a sword and killed me, I swore that from that day on I would kill shadow and avenge my family, I've been having nightmares about shadow ever since I was 4 years.
Jake: *sees something and a fearful and scared expression appears on my face*
Jake: uh guys?
Wolf: yeah Jake?
Jake: you were talkin about shadow correct?
Wolf: yeah why?
Jake: *points to something* isn't that him right there?
Wolf: huh?
Wolf then sees shadow in the road.
Wolf: *a shocked expression appears on my face* dear God.
Shadow: *snaps my fingers and black tendrils erupt from the ground*
Jake: *trys to steer out of the way but a tendril grabs the car*
Henry: everyone hang on.
The tendril then flips the car upside down causing everyone to fall out of the car.
Henry: ow.
They all then get up and face shadow.
Wolf: shadow just leave us alone.
Shadow: I believe that's not the Wolf, Rose and Tim knew.
Wolf: stop it.
Shadow: imagine if they were alive, Rose and Tim would be so dissapointed.
Wolf: *snaps* SHUT UP!
Wolf then grabs his dragon sword off his back and charges at shadow.
Henry: come on guys let's help him.
They then run at shadow but he swats tom away.
Shadow then shoots a beam from the screen on his stomach at the group sending them tumbling away.
Wolf: GUYS!
Wolf then trys to hit shadow but he grabs the dragon sword and tosses it out of Wolf's hands.
Wolf then starts to punch shadow.
Shadow: *laughs*  your weak.
Wolf's arm then starts to get surrounded by white electricity.
Wolf then punchs shadow with the arm surrounded by white electricity sending shadow stumbling back a few feet.
Wolf then looks at his arm's and sees the white electricity.
Shadow then gets up and turn around revealing wounds on the demonic tubby.
Shadow: huh, how is this possible?
Wolf then smiles and punchs shadow while his arm's are surrounded by white electricity, damaging the shadow tubby even more.
Shadow: I'll be back Wolf.
Shadow then teleports away.
Wolf then grabs his dragon sword and puts it on his back.
Wolf: hey is everyone ok?
Tom: yeah I think so.
Wolf: well let's get back in the car then.
They all get back in the car and continue driving.                           

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