info about the shadow tubby

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The shadow tubby is ambidextrous, meaning that he can use both hands equality well. He is 8 feet 9 inches tall, he is Wolf's arch nemesis, the shadow tubby is responsible for the death of Wolf's wife and son, he has killed Wolf 3 times(note the first time was when he killed Wolf's wife and son, and the other 2 times Wolf was by him self), his pain tolerance is better then Wolf's pain tolerance, he can lift up Wolf with ease, he can run faster then Wolf, he can also summon weapons out of thin air, and he is responsible for Wolf's black eyes with red pupils. He is an Aromantic Asexual, meaning he experiences little to no romantic or sexual attraction to other's. (Aromantic means you experience little to no romantic attraction to other's, while Asexual is for sexual attraction).   

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