Wolf's abilities

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Superhuman Teletubby Physiology.
Wolf's Strength: Superhuman.
Wolf's Speed: Superhuman.
Wolf's Durability and Endurance: Superhuman.
Wolf's Athleticism: Superhuman.
Wolf's Agility: Superhuman.
Wolf's Stamina: Unlimited Stamina.
Wolf's Will: Indomitable.
Wolf's Intelligence: Genius.
Wolf's Memory: Superhuman.
Wolf's Senses: Superhuman.
Wolf's Dexterity: Superhuman.
Wolf's Reflexes: Superhuman.
Weapon Proficiency.
Martial Arts Mastery.
Combat Mastery.
Master Tactician and Strategist.
Master Marksman.
Master Gunman.
Master Swordsman.
Master Knifeman.
Military Training.
Superhuman physical condition.
(Also I forgot to mention this in the chapter about Wolf tom and Jake's appearance, Wolf has a metal plate replacing his bottom jaw, he can use it as if it is a regular jaw and he can swallow food too).
He can use white electricity to charge up his punches and kicks making them deal extra damage. (He doesn't know he has this ability until later in the book).
Extreme Pain Tolerance.
Cooking skills.
Multilingualism, can speak 16 different languages yet chooses not to.
Can withstand high amount's of radation.
Can kill multiple newborns by him self with any weapon, including his fists.
Ambidextrous, can use both hands equality well.
Sixth Sense, Can Sense When An Enemy Is Coming.
Can Throw Any Melee Weapon With Superhuman Accuracy.
Good Knowledge In Real Estate.
Can't Get Sick No Matter What It Is, Can Still Get Mild Fevers.
Wolf's agility and athleticism allows him to stay in Mid-air for large amounts of time and consistently pull flips.
Can Sing, (Also you know how in fnf notes appear above the characters heads and boyfriend's notes glow?, it's the same for when Wolf sings, you got a problem, I'm the damn author I do what I want you can't stop me).
Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant.
Non-Physical Interaction.
Weapon Mastery.
Stealth Mastery.
Bullet Time.
Sewing Skills.   
Driving Skills.
Electricity Manipulation.
Immortality (Types 2, 4, & 8; Capable of surviving intense damage across the body. Whenever he is killed, he is revived by the "Higher Gods of Power" fate powers).
Post Megaified Wolf:
Regeneration (Low-Mid).

Attack Potency: Building level+ (Can fight those who can harm him and can rip newborns to pieces consistently, and sawed through MEGA Agent: Torture's head with a chainsaw, Fought Shadow on multiple occasions, but usually proved comparable. Higher via Electricity Manipulation | at least Large Building Level+ (should be comparable to MEGA Agents due to being one), Higher via Electricity Manipulation.

Speed: Hypersonic+ (Deflected a bullet point blank range. Can easily kill Newborns, who can occasionally deflect bullets with swords and other melee weapons. Comparable to Abraham who reacts to and blocks bullets from point blank consistently. Can slice bullets being fired at him)

Lifting Strength: Class K (VASTLY superior to normal teletubbies who can effortlessly rip off heads, can easily lift tanks and can pick up and kick large rocks, can lift up normal teletubbys with ease, causally flip a vending machine with one hand and rip out spines) | Class M (Another MEGA Agent did this), likely higher with Telekinesis.

Striking Strength: Building Level+ | at least Large Building level+

Durability: Building Level+ (Can trade blows with Shadow and dark, tanked a train exploding and a long fall and survived being clubbed across a canyon by MEGA Agent: Torture) | at least Large Building Level+ (Superior in strength and durability than his previous form as a MEGA). Immortality makes him hard to kill.

Stamina: Unlimited. Wolf can fight against large groups of enemies for a long period of time without the time for even brief rests, fighting on even after being repeatedly injured such as multiple shots through his body, a partially skinned head, an impalement, and a ripped off jaw. Even when lethally injured, he's capable of fighting long enough to kill his killers, killing a zombie Agent after it shot him in the neck. He can even survive having half of his head and a large chunk of his body destroyed by shadow for over 40 seconds before he was healed.

Intelligence: Gifted (Wolf is an incredibly skilled fighter who is extremely proficient in the use of all sorts of weapons, wielding even things like a stop sign or the corpses of opponents with ease. While he often resorts to brute force and skill, he is fully capable of outsmarting others and acting more tactically. Being a creation of the higher gods of power, he can navigate through pockets of space and two separate measurement systems with ease and fight as an extremely technical mercenary through them. Alongside Tom, he navigated his way through Hell, and most likely made it out on his own several times, whereas Hell is filled with projections of violent gunmen) | Genius (smarter than before).

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