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Jungkook stayed quiet during the whole drive back home, thinking while staring out the window

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Jungkook stayed quiet during the whole drive back home, thinking while staring out the window. He was curled up in his seat, his legs tucked close into his body and his arms keeping everything bounded together.

Even when they reached home, Jungkook didn't say anything almost immediately retreating to his room.

Jungkook fished out the phone Seokjin had gotten for him a few weeks ago, calling the first person that popped up in his mind quickly. Jungkook sat on the couch that was installed next to the window, gazing out into the sky.

It was raining heavily, the view around Jungkook turning dreary grey. It matched to Jungkook's mood precisely which made him let out a small breath of amusement.

After a few rings, the line connected and Jungkook suddenly found himself unable to speak.

'Hello? Jungkook?'

Jungkook whimpered, his voice trembling

'Jungkook? What's wrong baby?'

'He shouldn't have adopted me, he never should've met me'
Jungkook said softly tears pooling in his eyes

'What are you talking about? Are you okay Kookie?'
Jimin asked, his voice sounding worried

'I'm causing Seokjin so much trouble, I don't want to but I can't control anything!'

'Kookie calm down and talk to me, I'm right here, alright? And what are saying? You made his life amazing baby you didn't cause him any sorrows'
Jimin said softly

'Within two months, he has had to protect me so many times, first from Ana's verbal abuse, second from the men that attacked us, third from Hoseok almost shooting me out of fear and now I just don't want him being miserable, Jiminie I don't want to leave him but that's probably the best for him'
Jungkook said now tears clearly rolling down his cheeks.

'Wait what? Don't do that! Kookie, listen to me you're the best thing that has happened in Jinnie hyung's life, you made him smile everyday, you pulled him out from his depths of his mind. Do you know, how his life was before you appeared?'

Jungkook shook his head, his ear brush against the phone, Jimin continued.

'Believe it or not, he was cold. He didn't socialise much to people in the office a d kept to himself. He always believed that we shouldn't joke around in the office because we were there to work. If Taehyung hadn't become friends with him when they were younger, I might not known him at all. No one knew about his personal life, not even us. We didn't even hang out as often as we do now. He was closed and locked safe. When Taehyung started bringing me to work often as he started hanging out with Yoongi and me, he suddenly seemed interested in hybrids'

'He liked the thought of having someone to go home to even if it was just a friend, so we encouraged him to get one. But then he saw many hybrids were getting treated badly and he was afraid that he would be a bad owner so he never got one. But to my suprise when one day he walked into the office smelling like a wolf hybrid. He seemed a little happier then, more open to conversation then, he brought you in to work. I honestly have not seen him this affectionate to anyone, this is why we say he loves you, because of how he treats you. Trust me when I say kookie, but he genuinely likes being around you. He's so much happier when you are. So don't leave, don't leave his life you'll just leave him in more misery if you do'

By the time Jimin was finished talking, tears were streaming down Jungkook's face. He tucked himself into a small ball, his ears dropping down sadly.

'Thank you Jiminie for telling me'
Jungkook mumbled

Jungkook could hear the grin in Jimin's voice as he replied
'No problem Kookie, now go tell Seokjin hyung that you love him'

Jungkook managed a small smile before ending the call

But he didn't make any effort to go anywhere, he instead stayed at the spot by the window gazing out into the gloomy weather. Jungkook heard the door click open and he glanced quickly wiping the tears from his big doe eyes away.


Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, anything. But he instead let out a small sob, a tear trickling down his cheek. At the heartbreaking sound, Seokjin rushed to him, scooping Jungkook in his arms.

Seokjin slid his hands around Jungkook's abdomen, burying his face in the nape of Jungkook's neck while sitting on the edge of his bed.

Seokjin tried to keep his own tears in, but it flowed out anyways and it was followed quickly by a bunch more. It splattered on Jungkook's bare skin and rolled down to meet his shirt.

It soaked the fabric immediately and Seokjin felt the same happening to his shirt, his shoulder being soaked in Jungkook's tears.

Seokjin rubbed Jungkook's back comfortingly, squeezing his eyes shut at the pain of seeing his Jungkook like this.

'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Seokjin'
Jungkook sobbed softly

'Don't apologise kitten, it's not your fault you don't need to apologise'
Seokjin whispered

'Do you want me to leave? I can get packed up quickly, I'll-'

'No god no, I don't want you to leave, I do not ever want you to leave'
Seokjin interuppted

'Why not?'
Jungkook asked, pulling away to meet Seokjin's eyes.

Seokjin started, his hands travelling up and cupped Jungkook's cheeks

'I love you Kookie not as a friend or my hybrid I love love you'

A small smile made it's way on Jungkook's face but it quickly disappeared as he moved away slightly.

'I'm rare and as much I love you, I'm a hybrid why would you want to be with me?'

Seokjin let out a small growl, pulling Jungkook back in by his waist
'I don't care about your nature as long as you love me too.'

Seokjin leaned forward, pressing his lips to Jungkook's kissing him roughly.

Their breath mixing, Jungkook succumbed to Seokjin, relaxing into his embrace as Seokjin removed his hands from Jungkook's cheeks and replaced it with Jungkook's chin, tilting his head up slightly for a better angle and deepening the kiss.

Seokjin released Jungkook's top lip, letting himself hover there before placing a gentle kiss over Jungkook's swollen and red lips.

Jungkook purred loudly, ghosting his mouth over Seokjin's jaw and neck. Jungkook trailed his lips down to the base of Seokjin's neck, pressing soft kisses onto his skin.

'Can I-'
Jungkook asked....breathless

Knowing what Jungkook wanted to do, Seokjin nodded and Jungkook let out a small purr of appreciation before sucking of Seokjin's skin harshly, scraping his teeth over the spot gently.

Seokjin tilted his head at the feeling, his breathing heavy.

Jungkook finished the mark off with a kiss returning to Seokjin's mouth and connecting their lips again for a short amount of time.

Jungkook then rested his head on Seokjin's shoulders letting out a content sigh as Seokjin laid them down on the bed comfortably

Gosh Seokjin's shoulders were broad af- Jungkook thought.

'I love you Jinnie'

'I love you too kitten'
Seokjin murmured, pulling the duvet over them and wrapping his arms around Jungkook's tiny waist tightly. Jungkook twirled his tail around Seokjin's leg in response, sleep washing over both of them easily.

A/N- Jungkook marked Seokjin up as a sign of possessiveness and the 'mine' culture🥺❤️

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