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'What? Jiminie are you sure?'Taehyung asked

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'What? Jiminie are you sure?'
Taehyung asked

'I smell blood too and it isn't that type of blood, it's actual blood'
Yoongi confirmed as both the hybrids sniffed the air again, stiffening as they exchange glances


They shouted, bursting grin their positions as they bounded down the street, taking a shortcut through the alleyways. Namjoon and Taehyung followed close behind them, their mind filled with worry for their friend.

Namjoon slowed to a jog after a while, pulling his phone out and calling the police, or rather, an off-duty one, since he knew how much his manager dislike police.

Of course, the uniform he was calling now was one of their close friends, and although he didn't change Seokjin's perspective of them, it certainly helped for him to understand them and they all had to admit, having an officer as a friend was helpful.

The man arrived in no time, walking behind the hybrids with his firearm in case there were any attackers. The cat and the dog slowed, now acting wary as they realised who was hurt.

Soon enough, they turned the corner to see Seokjin and Jungkook snuggled together in the dark, his hand buried in Jungkook's hair as he tried to calm Jungkook down. Jungkook was pressed against Seokjin's shoulder, his head resting against Seokjin's chest.

Jungkook's eyes were closed, but it soon opened when he distinguished new scents.

Streaks of yellow flashed through Jungkook's brown orbs as he took his panther form, his black fur shining under the moon as the light made sure to show his lean muscles rippling his coat.

Jungkook snarled, sliding out of Seokjin's embrace and padding towards them in a threatening way.

Jungkook's shoulders were barely affected him from the looks of it. But no one could ignore how Jungkook was putting his weight of his other foot more and how his fur near the wound was drenched in his blood. The dark red liquid dripped down, splattering onto the pavement with every step he took.

They all backed off, apart from the officer, who was still holding the firearm.

Jimin called

'Put the gun down, you're scaring him'

'He doesn't look too scared of me'
Hoseok answered, narrowing his eyes as the hybrid stopped when he heard his owner's voice.

'Put the gun down'
Seokjin ordered, getting up and walking to Hoseok slowly. The officer obeyed almost immediately after hearing the tone of Seokjin's voice.

Seokjin knelt down to Jungkook, sliding his hands over his fur gently.

'They're my friends, they won't hurt you'

Glancing at Seokjin, Jungkook relaxed, turning back into a human as he slumped back into Seokjin's arms.

Jungkook clutched his shoulders protectively, closing his eyes as he rubbed the tip of his nose against the base of Seokjin's neck slipping in and out of consciousness.

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