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Jungkook hid behind Seokjin, his ears flattening against his head as they entered what Jungkook called 'Hell'

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Jungkook hid behind Seokjin, his ears flattening against his head as they entered what Jungkook called 'Hell'.

Seokjin had somehow managed to convince Jungkook to got to the vet this morning while having breakfast, even though Jungkook had made it very clear that he did not like doctors or vets of any kind.

Jungkook did reluctantly give in when he pursuaded him by saying he would be next to Jungkook all the time, but Jungkook wish he hadn't.

There was something about the centre Jungkook disliked.

As they approached the room, Jungkook pushed himself into Seokjin's side, his eyes narrowing and his tail whipping from side to side violently. Seokjin slid a arm around Jungkook's shoulder, rubbing his arm comfortably

'What's wrong kitten?'

'I don't like this place. Feels weird. Smells weird too'
Jungkook commented, wrinkling his nose

'I'm sorry but we have to get a checkup for you'
Seokjin answered, playing with the hem of his shirt guiltily.

'I know you don't have to apologise'
Jungkook sighed, sitting on the bed while waiting for the vet.

Seokjin moved towards Jungkook, wrapping his arms around him

'How about this, after the checkup I'll give you a full two hours of my attention. No phones, no whatever, just you and me, okay?'

Jungkook nodded in response, his ears twitching happily. Seokjin smiled and kissed the top of Jungkook's forehead, pulling away as he heard the door open.

A man stepped in, giving both of them a smile as he walked towards Jungkook.

Jungkook's ears immediately flattened and he edged away from the doctor slightly. However, neither of them noticed.

'Hello Jungkook, I am doctor Hoon, how are you?'

'I'm fine thanks'
Jungkook muttered giving him a small smile in return.

The doctor proceeded with the normal checkups nodding constantly. The doctor them turned to Seokjin

'Everything seems fine, I just have to give him a shot it's gonna help when he gets his heat'

The doctor picked up a syringe filled with clear liquid and once Jungkook saw it, his instincts sharpened and he recoiled from the scent, jumping from his seat.

Seokjin's eyes snapped to Jungkook's as he gazed at Jungkook worryingly.

'Kitten what's wrong?'

Jungkook snarled

'I'm not taking that'
Jungkook hissed his eyes flashing with the streaks of yellow.

The owner glanced at the vet
'What did you say it helped for again?'

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