Chapter 20: this story is wrong

Start from the beginning

Nightmares ( passive ) pov:

They wouldnt shut up. Why cant they just shut up.

I watched as the two villagers held the rope and knife up to me.

"Kill them." They echoed. "Hes a liar. Their ALL liars. Kill them and you can finally be free. Prove to them you didnt deserve the beatings. That you didnt deserve the endless tourcher us villagers gave you.

Make them regret everything."

"YOUR ALL WRONG." I scream. Clawing at my skull at a desperate attempt. "dont tell me what to do!" I scream as I look up at the group of monsters standing in front of me. Currupteds eyes drilling into mine. "I'M the one that has the power! I'M the one with the negative aura! I can tell because I can still feel the corruption in my soul! Your nothing now currupted!! You couldn't help me then, you cant help me now!" I scream

Currupted suddenly goes still.

He smiles

"Your right night.. I can't"


I glare. He was planning something.

Suddenly, currupted teleports in front of me and puts a tendril to my throat. I quickly but a bone up to his neck as well.

I smile and laugh nervously.

"You can't kill me. I have the negative aura. If you kill me the balance of emotions will be uneven. The universe will collapse. You cant hurt me anymore..!" I say.

"I never hurt you nightmare. You hurt yourself. But your right. I cant kill you. I WONT kill you. And I cant help you. Not anymore."

"Currupted. What are you doing!???" Yelled a sans I didnt recognize. He wore brown and tan clothing. I could tell by his fear that he really cared for currupted. His negativity felt amazing...

I wanted more of it.

"Ccino.." currupted says. Looking at the skeleton "theirs so many things you dont know. And I'm afraid you'll most likely never know them. But I cant stay here. I cant help him. Only one person can."

I felt my anger rise.

What was he talking about!?

I put the bone closer to his throat. He didnt even flinch.

Currupted looks at dream. Everyone seemed confused and scared. It fueled me. It made me feel powerful.

"Killer" corrupted spoke again "when you found the notebook. Theirs one thing you didnt find. Look in the closet. You'll find all you need to find there. And dream.." he looks at dream calmly "killer will take you to the room with the scratched label. Go to the closet. You'll find something. You'll know what it is once you see it. Add your positive magic to it. I lied to you all.. I know you think this story is wrong.

But this is what's supost to happen.

This story doesnt have a happy ending.

At least not for me..

Bring him back. He was always better at helping then I was. He can save your brother, dream. He can help.

I'm no use to you anymore.

And I'm sorry I wasnt able to stop this sooner."

He smiles.

I feel everyones negativity rise as we watch currupted slowly lower his tendrils from my neck.

I hear everyone scream in fear but i cant help but smile.






I quickly shoved the sharp bone into currupted throat and I saw his eyes flare slightly. He slowly started to grasp and gag as blood filled his throat.

Everyone was screaming but all I heard where the two villagers.


I smiled as I slowly pulled the sharp bone out his throat and blood spurted out of the throat.

........He smiled....


.....He smiled at ME......

And I smiled back..

As I watched currupted sans, dust by my feet. With his blood on my hand.

I looked over to see dream and killer holding back ccino who was trying to get to the pile of dust. Everyone was crying.

The negativity was overwhelming. It made my soul pound and I couldnt help but smile wider. I took a tight grip on the sharp bone covered in blood and goop. I watched as dream and killer dragged cinno through a portal. Everyone rushing out of the au and the portal slammed closed. I looked down at the pile of dust siting on the floor.

The villagers smiled at me...

This . . .

Story . . .

Is . . .

RIGHT . . .

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