Chapter 24

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So Synchronized!


A tiny hand squeezed my index finger as I involuntarily took my last breath, I found myself falling backward through water, my blind eyes that had only been seeing blackness opened and I could see a light above me getting farther away as I fell.

I panicked when I realized I was really dead, I could see Clearwater as I sank deeper; I could feel myself fast approaching the ground but I couldn't move my heavy limbs to brace myself. I suddenly screeched to a halt upside down a few meters above the ground in a dark cave.

I was somehow hanging upside down in the cave for a few heartbeats before being pulled up by my legs, back up through the clear water all the way up to the moon, I even caught a glimpse of the moon goddess then was catapulted backwards into darkness.

It was like riding a rollercoaster backwards, it also felt exactly like when Sai's godlike friend had catapulted me from the pack lands to Sai's castle and then back those past two times. As I came to I could tentatively hear the screaming of a baby, the weeping of my mother and the soothing voice of Adoette.

I opened my eyes, my sight was clear, no longer blurry; I put my hand out before my eyes and I could see it clearly, then I turned my head and I could see everything clearly. My mother was on the couch weeping with a small noisy bundle in her arms.

Either we were all dead or I somehow did not die, the other baby was still on my chest, still squeezing my finger tightly.

"Mama" I called out hoarsely. She thrust the fussy baby at Adoette and stumbled over to me.

"Baby, my baby" she cried "thank you Goddess, thank you Goddess" she repeated kissing my forehead between sobs.

"Mama, Adoette, what is happening?" I asked pondering how this was even possible.

"Shhhh, rest child, we will talk about it later." Adoette a slipped something small and sweet into my mouth, whatever it was totally knocked me out in a few minutes.

When I woke up I was in my bedroom, I felt like I had been run over by a train; my body hurt so badly as I tried to sit up. It took me a while to achieve such a small feat, I was sweating profusely; my chest hurt especially my new heavy breasts but most of the pain was concentrated in my nether regions.

"Mama" I rasped in a foreign sounding voice, thankfully she heard me and came barreling into the room immediately with Adoette in tow.

"It hurts" I said frowning. My whole body was now pulsating in pain; Adoette gave me some pain relief which thankfully kicked in instantly numbing my pain riddled body.

Turns out I had only been 'gone' for a few seconds not even a full minute and I had been asleep for 24hours, they filled me in as they showed me how to breast feed, it took some maneuvering because of my injured arm but I got a hold of it and soon the little ones had latched on and were suckling happily.

Three weeks later

I was feeling much better and my body had mostly healed, even the bandages on my arm had been permanently removed making breastfeeding easier. Adoette was leaving today, she had stayed to help take care of me because the toll that being poisoned, getting induced, having my babies prematurely and dying had taken on my body.

Mercifully, the babies had stayed unscathed from the poison but it had definitely hit me hard, fortunately Adoette had detoxified most of it from my system and I was feeling more like myself now.

Thank Goddess Adoette had been spiritually led to come and help me, even better she could slip past the pack border without getting permission from the Alpha because we had managed to evade the one who wanted to harm me, Loane, in fact only one other person from the pack knew that I had given birth.

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