Chapter 20

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i know it ainntttt!!!!


Four months later; I had somehow got back into my routine and was prepping for my heat, my mom had finished braiding my hair and was helping me carry the vinegar crackers I had recently started loving and some drinking water down to the basement.

She sat with me while I drank the tonic we had made earlier; though her side of the family did not have any Wiccan heritage, she had devoted herself to learning how to make heat remedies.

"How can you eat that?" she said wrinkling her nose at my vinegar crackers

"They taste like the tears of my enemies" I said clutching the bag close and turning away from her, they were just my flavor of the month and I wasn't willing to share.

"Greed will not allow you to be great," she said laughing at my antics, honestly these crackers were pungent no one wanted any; Marsha had been eating them to ease her morning sickness and I too got hooked sans morning sickness.

At sunset she went back upstairs and left me alone in the basement; my heat did not start when I expected it to, either we had nailed it with and perfected the remedy formula this time or something was terribly wrong.

I kept waiting, assuming different postures so that the cramps wouldn't catch me unprepared when they hit, thinking the cramping would start at any moment but nothing, my tummy felt tight and there was a lot of fluttering in my lower abdomen but no pain.

I waited and waited until I fell asleep, my mother woke me up the next morning and when I told her what happened she got the notes we always took to help us remember our recipes; nothing had changed, it was all the same stuff.

"No pain, you say" she muttered while pacing to and fro with the small book clutched in her hand. We stayed in the basement puzzled and pondering what to do next.

"Let's go to the hospital" she said decisively after a long while.

Thankfully Loane was not available and we saw Dr Vann who used my father's physician. After listening to my concerns he sent me to the lab to run some tests, not long after we were called to the back into his office to discuss the results.

My mom stuck to me like glue; she hated this place because of the memories of losing her mate here, but she still stayed with me no matter how much I tried to urge her to leave.

"Congratulations" the doctor said when we sat down, "you are pregnant"

I looked around not believing that he was speaking to me 

I looked around not believing that he was speaking to me 

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"But but but..." I tried to speak; I wanted to say that I had taken an abortifacient. To say I was shocked is an understatement,

"When was the last time you were sexually active?" he asked taking out his note pad and beginning to write.

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