Chapter 10

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Too stunned to speak!!!


This is not how I imagined this day would end at all, I am at the royal palace, yay, butttttt in a cell in the dungeon, and so still in basement just not my mother's, suffering the worst pain that I didn't know existed.

Usually heat comes in intervals, letting up enough for me to breathe but not this time, this time it's a constant affliction of holy fire cramps; no rest no respite just my insides twisting and my vertebrae being detached and ground to bone dust one by one.

I couldn't even cry let alone breathe that is how bad this pain is, so I am here twisting and turning on the floor in my bra and leggings. At this moment i realized rejected number 4 was not kidding, she wrote "say goodbye to your loved ones" I was very sure I was not going to survive this night, Damn! I probably should have taken some time to say goodbye to my mom. 

It all started as I drove home, my ex mate and his chosen started having sex, usually I felt a dull ache whenever they got "busy" but I guess the bond was getting re-affirmed, the growing twinges of pain became unbearable so I drove to the pharmacy to get some painkillers, my "remedies" were not working at all, I just needed something to help me hold on until I got home.

Somehow I met the king; *so hot* and very intense along with his beta and a literal god who can warp time? I hallucinate a lot when I go into heat so don't quote me on that. Anyway long story short, he didn't seem pleased that a rejected she wolf in heat was wandering about and as everyone would assume on the prowl hoping to catch some ahem prey ahem, I may have also puked on his shoes.

So here I am in a cell with an intimidating beta militantly shouting questions at me while I writhe on the floor, he tried to put me into one of those classic interrogation chairs but I kept on sliding off; "what were my intentions?" what!!

My brain is slowly being cooked to mush by high levels of heat in my body, I feel like I swallowed an active volcano because lava keeps swirling around my insides; its taking all my concentration just to breathe as unrealistic levels of pain churn inside me.

This beta guy is asking me questions but all I can think about is my mate who is going for round 3 with his chosen, their union is killing my heart, I can't hear him because my head is pounding violently and his voice sounds muddled.

The hot handsome king really hates me, my business brain wonders if he could forget about all of this and let me cook at some of his parties. I could make bank doing that but my horny heat fueled brain only wants to jump his bones.

"mate, mate, mate, mate, mate, mate" a foreign voice keeps chanting in my head and driving me crazy.

The beta banged the metal bars of my cell to make me focus on his questions,

"Ma'am, can you hear me?" he asked.

I licked my lips and looked up at him admiring his handsome face and bulky physique, he must be mated because he can resist me. He came close till our breaths mingled, his eyes focused on my lips then he began to kiss me and his hand slips into my panties as our kiss deepens....

"hey hey" he snapped his fingers over my face bringing me out of my salacious hallucination.

Oh sleet! That felt so real and really good too, if I had any energy or breaths to spare, I would have taken my shot, I could hit that, heat or no heat.

y-y-you have to g-go," my voice sounded dry and foreign "g-go to y-y-y-your mate"

"huh?" he questioned

"don't waste your time with me, go to your mate, I will still be here in the morning." I said between labored breaths

"......" he looked at me like I had grown a second head or something.

"Get out of here*breath*go reaffirm your bond*breath*just lock the door*I can barely move*breath*let alone escape" I said struggling to fill my lungs.

"Yeah no, that's exactly what someone who is planning to escape would say." He said slowly but he was already looking at the door.

"You really think I can break through whatever security system this place has" I said quietly, I really wanted to cry so I needed him to leave, I really hate crying in front of people.

"Lyric Henderson, black river pack, even if I didn't tell you, you could easily find out" I said trying to lean on my elbow but failing miserably.

"Now go, don't waste this night, you will find me here tomorrow morning" I told him weakly

"There is a bathroom behind that door" he said hurriedly.

He threw me one last look and dashed out of the cell bolting it firmly, then ran down the corridor; I could hear doors lock until he got to the main door.

I let the tears that I had been holding in flow freely as I soundlessly dragged myself to the adjacent bathroom. There was a cramped shower stall, I went in and turned on the faucet with my clothes still on. The water was cold, my tears and insides were hot, but water wasn't helping as it usually does, my skin felt itchy instead.


I used my advanced hearing to listen to sounds all over the kingdom, this night needed to go smoothly; without a glitch, this prophecy has my whole being on the highest alert.

As the moon rose, I paced in my office keeping watch, one of the pups born 7 months from today would be the most important werewolf of the future. Nothing could jeopardize this night, absolutely nothing.

"A child born of the reformed bond will bring the kingdom into destiny"

The night seems to be going well and I can go to bed before midnight; since I feel too stressed and anxious to sleep, I decide to bury myself under some paperwork. My mind wanders to the she wolf in the dungeons, she was an unexpected surprise; I can clearly hear her groan and mewls even with the heavily sound proofed walls.

A good shower and fresh clothes didn't remove her scent from my skin, in fact our scents mixed and it was driving up my restlessness. I have been around females in heat many times and I usually feel nothing.

It's been millennia since I was youthful and felt this juvenile over a female, uncontrollable want is brewing inside of me, I should have followed standard protocol and taken her to the safety of her nest which most she wolves in heat have but I brought her here, why?



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