Chapter 5

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To all my Sarah's out there


I watched my rejected mate pacing the training grounds, she was wearing a long black skirt and a green t-shirt, she had been hounding me for weeks begging and whining, her heavenly scent relaxed me.

The sight and thought of her presence sometimes disgusted me, mostly whenever Loane was near, why?  I wish I could talk to her and explain that I would accept her when i am ready but not as my official mate, I can pretty much have eyes only for my chosen and her presence was shaking my resolve for my chosen.

With my chosen as Luna I will become king, I can change the destiny of my whole pack; we had a plan, a plan and her father's backing and resources, I would turn this pack into the greatest pack that had ever existed. i will overthrow the alpha king and take his place as greatest werewolf in the land.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly, she looked up at me with red rimmed glassy eyes; her t shirt was wrinkled from the constant wringing.

"Alpha Reid, li....listen" she started,

"Look Lisa, I don't have all day" I cut her off. Her eyes started brimming with tears 'oh great'

"Its Lyric, please reconsider, I will do anythi- I cut her off again, this is basically the same thing she has been spouting since I rejected her.

"Whatever your name is, I don't have time for this nonsense anymore, I have indulged you longer than necessary; I need a mate who can also be a Luna, all you can do and will ever do is cook. I would probably love that if I needed a dotting housewife, which I don't need. Now for the last time , I already rejected you, it is over, capisce." I felt torn looking at her, she is something I want but don't need.

"Alpha Reid, I can learn these things, I will learn, I would do anything for you, please don't leave me." She got on her knees before me as she spoke very fast.

I crouched down beside her and sighed, "you could never learn certain things, you are either born with it or raised into it, my Luna was born into an alpha family and subsequently raised to be Luna. I have looked into you and you are lacking on all accounts, the mathematical and economics knowledge needed to save this pack is above your academics or experience; you have no ideas to help better this pack in fact you would probably run us into the ground." I said this pointedly .

"Reid, you can teach me, please teach me, please be patient with me" she begged, I wanted to laugh. Although my wolf disagreed Loane was right, she could never be a Luna let alone a queen.

"The one who stands beside me should possess beauty, grace and brains and you have none that fit my standards" Rejecting her was wearing me out "I don't have time for this pointless conversation and I am not your father so stop following me, now let this be the last time I see you around me or my mate."

"IF YOU GET WITHIN 100m OF ME OR MY MATE WITHOUT BEING SUMMONED, YOU WILL BE BANISHED" my voice boomed, using the alpha tone for the first time since becoming alpha.

My plan was now even more solidified, though I had rejected my mate, I still felt possessive of her and all her pathetic begging made me want to dominate her. I had to keep her close and keep any replacement mate that turned up for her; away or dead.

I have to keep her celibate until I can claim her as a mistress


Dignity pfffttt, shame nada, self respect whet, decorum bitch where, the next 6 weeks were filled with lots of pining, whining and begging. All caution and self worth was thrown to the wind as I endeavored to win back my mate but he didn't budge from his decision, I begged Alpha Pearson and Luna Katie to speak to him, I consulted pack elders so that they could beg on my behalf.

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