A diferent Malfoy.(2)

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Third person point of view.

When Y/N left with his parents and brother to the mansion, long before the Dark Mark appeared, he went to his room without saying a word and locked herself in.

His mother, Narcissa, was worried about his behavior, however, she didn't question it. Lucius didn't realize, he wasn't very present in his children's lives. But it was obvious that Draco was his favorite.

Y/N was worried, why defended Granger? Why did he feel so good next to her? Those questions kept replaying in his mind. That night he had trouble falling asleep.

The next day Draco was more smiling than usual, slyly glancing at his brother at lunch. Created by house elves.

As always, they ate in silence. In Lucius's words it was how people of his kind behaved. Y/N was uncomfortable with it, however he remained silent and sullen. His mother noticed.

When they finished eating the elves collected all the dirty dishes. Lucius went about his business; Y/N was under the impression that he was going to sell dark objects to Borgin and Burkes.

About to return to his luxurious room. Y/N stopped, his mother had called him. She didn't have her usual expression, she had a worried expression on his face."Yes, mother?"

"I'm worried Y/N...It's not you...Is there something bothering you?"

Y/N looked at her, his expression reflecting sadness and fear. he didn't know how her mother would react if he told her what happened with Draco and the gryffindor trio."Is nothing..."

Narcissa looked at him and slowly walked towards him. She put her hand on her son's shoulder. She wanted him to trust her, she wasn't Lucius."You can tell me anything...I'm your mother, I know you."

Y/N stood still, his mother might be able to understand after all."Something happened at the Quidditch Cup...with Draco and Potter's friends."took a breath."Draco teased them, like always. B-but when he insulted Hermione, I-I stood up for her, I felt the need to…And when she grabbed me, it felt good..."

Narcissa's mind was racing, happy and half-swirling feelings. His son was experiencing the feeling of falling in love; The problem is that he was falling in love with a 'mudblood' and that went against her ideals."Y/N...You know if Lucius finds out he'll go crazy..."

"I know mother...but I don't know what's wrong with me...I can't stop thinking about her since yesterday."

"You like her. That's what you feel."

Y/N looked at her, her mother had a disappointed look on her face. After all, she too was raised with those ideals, but not to the level of Lucius."I'm s-sorry...I-I didn't mean this, mother.B-but it happened."

"I know Y/N...But it can't be, you know. And I don't want you to think that I'm scolding you. I want the best for you. You know how your father can be on this subject.Narcissa took a shaky breath."B-but it's your life after all, I can't decide for you."

Y/N looked at her and hugged her, she didn't take it as badly as she thought."Please don't tell father..."

"I will not do it."

And without further ado, Y/N went up to his room. Worried that the Death Eaters had hurt Hermione.

In the burrow.

Ginny and Hermione were in her room, talking about the dark Mark.However, when Hermione told her about the meeting with the Malfoy brothers, Ginny was surprised."Y/N Malfoy defended you from his own brother?"

"Yes, Ginny, that's what I said." Hermione replied tired of her friend's excited behavior.

"B-but don't you see?!" Ginny suddenly snapped and she jumped."Y/N Malfoy defended you! That's because he likes you..."

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