weasley (3)

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P.O.V Y/N.

After what happened at the Quiditch World Cup we got to the Burrow and Mum was really worried about us, she even forgot about what happened to Fred and George from Weasley Spells.I didn't know very well what happened because I was sleeping but they caught them trying to take their inventions. If mom knew that I was part of that, she would kill me too.

Three days after the Cup, the twins and I are in their room doing business.

"Look, I have savings from Great Aunt Tessie and some from Mom and Dad, I can help you invent more things and buy the store." I tell both of them.

"Great, then let's get to work we have to invent" says Fred and George nods as they grab the materials and their wands.

After a while we finished our new invention, they are small balls that if you eat them your ears grow and you hear three times as much as before.

They taste a bit bad, but then we will add strawberry flavor or any other.

We left the room and headed downstairs to eat. We walk downstairs and I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione deep in conversation.

"Hello, you three, what were you talking about?" I say as I sit next to him.

They look at each other not knowing what to answer and Hermione says "come on guys Y/N is trustworthy, besides Ronald already told him what happened in our first and second year."

The other two look at each other and nod.

"well Y/N in the third year a mass murderer was chasing me and it turns out that he betrayed my parents by selling him to voldemort but in the end we found out the truth and he wasn't it was Peter petigrew and he ran away as he is an unregistered animagus rat and my godfather the dementors almost kissed him and I saved him with an expert patronum but then an evil teacher from the school took him away from Severus Snape and they locked him in the highest tower to kiss of the dementor."

"But it turns out that Hermione had a time-turner and we saved buckbeack an innocent hippogriff and we went for Sirius to the highest tower, we freed him and he went to who knows where"Harry says finally breathing.

"damn that's crazy" I wish I had been.
I say amazed.


"It was only a dream," said Ron, shuddering. "Just a nightmare." "Yeah, but was it, though?" said Harry, "It's weird, isn't it?... My scar hurts, and three days later the Death Eaters are on the march.

"And remember what Professor Trelawney said?" Harry says. "At the end of last year?" Hermione's let out a derisive snort. "Oh Harry, you aren't going to pay attention to anything that old fraud says?" "You weren't there," said Harry. "You didn't hear her. This time was different. I told you, she went into a trance, a real one. And she said the Dark Lord would rise again... greater and more terrible than ever before... and he'd manage it because his servant was going to go back to him...and that night Wormtail escaped."

"I told Sirius about my scar," said Harry, shrugging. "I'm waiting for his answer." "yes, better tell him!" said Ron, his expression clearing.

"I bet Sirius'll know what to do!" "I hoped he'd get back to me quickly," said Harry. "But we don't know where Sirius is ... he could be in Africa or somewhere, couldn't he?" said Hermione reasonably. "Hedwig's not going to manage that journey in a few days." "Yeah, I know," said Harry, "Yeah, bloke needs a holiday..." I added Remembering what they told me then Ron piped up "Come and have a game of Quidditch in the orchard, Harry," "Come on three on three, Bill and Charlie, Ginny and Fred and George will play"

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