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Ron and Hermione were not speaking to each other. I walked beside front of him did I realize that they must be sharing those classes with the Slytherins. Y/N Malfoy was saying something animatedly to Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, who were roaring with laughter. I thought knew what they were talking about.

Hagrid was waiting for his students at the door of the hut. He was impatient to get started, in his moleskin coat, with Fang the boarhound at his feet.

"We will, hurry up!" he shouted as his students approached. "Today I have something special for you! A great lesson! Is everyone already? Well follow me!"

For an unpleasant moment, I feared that Hagrid was leading them into the forest; Harry had lived in that place so unpleasant experiences that i could never forget. However, Hagrid walked along the edge of the trees and five minutes later they found before a meadow where there was nothing. "Everybody get close to the fence!" he shouted." Make sure you have good vision. The first thing you have to do is open the books..."

"In what way?" said Y/N Malfoy's cold drawling voice.

"What?" Hagrid said.

"How do we open the books?" Y/N repeated. He took out his copy of The Monster Book of Monsters, which he had tied up with string. Others followed suit. Some, like I, had tied the book with a belt; others had stuffed it very tightly into the backpack or held it with tweezers.

"Has no one been able to open the book?" Hagrid asked disappointed.

The entire class shook their heads.

"You have to pet him," Hagrid said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world." Look..."He picked up Hermione's copy and unleashed the magical zeal that held. The book tried to bite him, but Hagrid ran his hand across its spine huge index finger, and the book shuddered, opened and was calm In his hand.

"What fools we have all been!"Y/N said dismissively."We had to pet him! How did we not think of it?"

"I... I thought you'd be amused," Hagrid said to Hermione doubtfully.

"Ah, how funny it makes us...!"Y/N said, looking at Hermione out of the corner of her eye. "Really clever, making us buy books that want to eat our hands!"

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Hermione told him quietly. Hagrid had been left a little sad and I wanted his first class to be a success.

"Well, then," said Hagrid, who seemed to have lost the plot." So... you have the books and... and... now you need the magical creatures. Yes, so I'll go for them. Wait a minute..."

He walked away from them, into the woods and out of sight.

"My God, this place is in decline," Y/N said out loud. "These idiotic classes... My father will have a heart attack when I tell him about it."

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Hermione repeated.

"Or rather, Granger? Are you going to cast a spell on me?"The Slytherins laughed.

"Uuuuuh!" Lavender Brown yelled, pointing across the meadow.


Trotting toward them were a dozen creatures, the strangest I had ever seen. They had the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle. The beak was the color of steel and the eyes were bright orange. The claws on the front legs were six inches each and looked like deadly weapons. Each beast wore a thick leather collar around its neck, attached to a long chain. Hagrid held the ends of all the chains in his large hands. He came running across the meadow, behind the creatures.

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