Hermione's wedding.

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Today was the day that Hermione was to marry Ronald Weasley.When the invitation letter arrived I couldn't believe it...It was just surreal.

I didn't understand...How can you marry a person who has treated you badly and left you aside for any stupidity?!

I was so nervous, I wouldn't know if I could bear to see the woman I love about to marry another man. However, I prepared myself and put on a fake smile when I arrived.

Everyone greeted me, I was famous after all, I helped defeat voldemort.

The wedding was outside the burrow, it was all decorated with balloons, waiters in white suits...

I couldn't stop thinking that I would love to be at that altar right now...But there was Ronald nonetheless, in a brown suit and a red tie.

The music began to play and Hermione appeared through the entrance, with Harry by her side... Her parents weren't there, apparently they hadn't had their memory back.

She looked beautiful...her hair was up in a bun, with a little makeup and a beautiful white dress. Our eyes met and I felt a huge emptiness in my stomach.

She looked away from me with a look I couldn't decipher. When she arrived at the altar the priest began to give the ceremony.

"Ronald Weasley, do you accept Hermione Jean Granger as a wife to respect and love her for the rest of your days...?" asked the priest.

"Yes I accept."

"Hermione Jean Granger, do you accept Ronald Weasley as a husband to respect and love him for the rest of your days...?"

Hermione looked distraught with teary eyes and looking around, until she met my hopeful gaze."No, no...sorry I can't do this."

The crowd gasped and began to whisper. Ron was sweating profusely and it seemed that he would rather be swallowed up in the ground than be there.

"I don't love Ronald. I love another person...That person is here."Said Hermione looking at me and I feel my heart jump out of my chest.Maybe I have a chance after all?

The people at the wedding started following Hermione's gaze and suddenly everyone was looking at me, I could feel my hands getting wet.

"I... made a mistake saying yes. But that doesn't matter now, I'm fixing it or so I think."Hermione said approaching me and the people would make way for her.

She stands a few inches away from me. "I the person I really love is you Y/N...and it's always been that way."

I look at her moved and with incredible happiness I said."I...I love you too, Hermione...and I always have!"

she looks at me with tears of joy in her eyes and throws herself at me, kissing me passionately.

The crowd is shocked but bursts into applause and Ron leaves.

The Weasleys look at us disappointed but we didn't care...it was just me and her.

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