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Arriving at the bathroom, I put my ear to the door. I heard nothing, so I opened it cautiously.

Y/N Malfoy was standing with his back to the door, holding on to the sink with both hands, his blond head bowed.

"Don't cry... "- Myrtle la Llorona sang from a cubicle." Don't cry... Tell me what's wrong... I can help you..."

"No one can help me," Y/N wailed, shaken by strong tremors." I can't do it, I can't... it won't work out... But if I don't do it soon... he will kill me..."

I froze as i realized that Malfoy was actually crying, tears streaming down his pale face and onto the dirty pile. Malfoy gasped and swallowed hard. Then, with a sudden shudder, he raised his head, looked at himself in the cracked mirror, and behind him saw me staring at him from the doorway.

Y/n turned around and pointed his wand at me. I quickly pulled his out. Malfoy's hex brushed past me and shattered a lamp on the wall. Me dove to the side."Levicorpus!" and waved my wand, but Y/N blocked the hex and readied himself again to...

"Do not! Do not! Enough!" screeched Myrtle, her voice echoing off the tiled walls- "enough! enough!"

There was a loud bang and the bucket behind me exploded. I tried to cast the linked legs curse, which ricocheted off the wall behind Y/N ear and smashed the cistern Myrtle had climbed into, causing her to scream at the top of her voice. Water was pouring out everywhere and I slipped as Malfoy, his face contorted, yelled:


"Sectumsempra!" I bellowed from the ground waving my wand wildly. Blood began to spurt from Y/N face and chest, as if he had been slashed by an invisible sword. I took a few steps back, staggered, and collapsed on the puddled floor with a loud splash. The wand fell from my right hand, limp.

"No," I said in a choked voice.

Slipping and staggering as well, I scrambled to my feet and lunged at Malfoy, who was red-faced and hands clutching his blood-soaked chest.

"No I do not..."

I didn't understand him and knelt down beside him. Y/N was shaking uncontrollably in a pool of blood. Myrtle let out a deafening shriek: "Murder!!" Murder in the toilet!! Murder!!"

The door burst open behind me, I turned his head in terror: Snape and Hermione white as wax, burst into the bathroom.

Roughly pushing me aside, Snape dropped to his knees and leaned over Y/N; He took out his wand and waved it over the deep wounds my curse had caused, murmuring an incantation that almost sounded like a song. The bleeding subsided instantly. Snape wiped the blood from her face and repeated the spell. The wounds began to close.

"What did you do Harry!"Hermione said through tears, seeing her boyfriend in that state.

"I-I d-don't was a strange spell...I-I didn't know what it did.H-hermione forgive me..."I pleaded with the girl, who was panicking as Snape tended her boyfriend's wounds.

"We'll talk later... I'm not here to make decisions right now."Hermione told me between tears.

Myrtle kept sobbing and moaning. When Snape had cast his counter-curse for the third time, he pulled Y/N up into a sitting position.

"We have to take you to the infirmary. You may be left with scars, but if you take dittany right away you may even get rid of that... Take him to the infirmary Miss Granger..."

Snape helped Hermione open the door and turned to me, say in an angry voice: "And you, Potter...Let's talk."


I didn't know where I was, where they were taking me, or who was taking me. I could hear a soft voice telling me not to fall asleep...
But I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I also felt terrible pain all over my body, it was hard for me to breathe.

After a few minutes I feel myself being laid down on something soft, like a bed. I can see a blurry figure moving fast and another taking off my shirt. I feel like potions are poured on me that burn on my skin. I couldn't bear the pain and I passed out.


Little by little I open my eyes and see my chest wrapped in bandages and I feel that someone is crying next to me.


I squeeze her hand so she can see that I'm awake and she looks at me with red eyes and tear-stained cheeks."what's wrong love...?"

She just walks over and hugs me gently, I can feel her tears falling down my neck."I-I thought I'd lose you." She said between sobs and my heart broke seeing her like this and it was all my fault.

"That's it my love...I'm here, I'm fine." I tell her, stroking her hair as best I could.

After a few minutes I feel her sobs subside and she lies down carefully on the bed. I wrap an arm around her in pain and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

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