weasley (4)

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P.O.V Y/N.

"Today's not bad... outside all morning," said Ron, who was running his finger down his timetable. "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures... damn it, we're still with the Slytherins..."

Hermione, Harry, Ron and I are reviewing our schedules over breakfast.

"Double Divination this afternoon," Harry groaned, looking down.

"You should have given it up like me, shouldn't you?" said Hermione, buttering herself some toast. Her timetable was no longer as full as it had been the previous year, as she had given up on both Muggle Studies and Divination. "Then you'd be doing something sensible like Arithmancy."


After the owl-post had arrived, they made their way to the sodden vegetable path to greenhouse three, and Professor Sprout introduced the class to the ugliest plants that I had never seen. They looked like thick black slugs, protruding vertiacclt out of the soil. Each was squirming slightly, and had a number of large, shiny swellings upon it, which appeared to be full of liquid.

"Bubotubers," Professor Sprout told them briskly. "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus -"

"The what?" said Seamus Finnigan.

"Pus, Finnigan, pus," said Professor Sprout, "and it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves, it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, Bubotuber pus."

Squeezing the Bubotubers was disgusting, but oddly satisfying. By the end of the lesson, they had already collected several pints.

"This'll keep Madam Pomfrey happy,"said Professor Sprout, stoppering the last bottle with a cork. "And excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, Bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples."

"Like poor Eloise Midgen," said Hannah Abbot, a Hufflepuff, in a hushed voice. "She tried to curse hers off."

"Silly girl," said Professor Sprout, shaking her head. "But Madam Pomfrey fixed her back on in the end."

A booming bell echoed from the castle across the wet grounds, signalling the end of the lesson, and the class separated; the Hufflepuffs climbing up the stone steps for Transfiguration, and the Gryffindors heading in the other direction, down the sloping lawn towards Hagrid's small wooden cabin, which stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Mornin'!" Hagrid said, grinning at Hermione, Harry and Ron. "Be'er wait get the Slytherins they won' want ter miss this - Blast-Ended Skrewts!"

"Oh! and who can you be?" the semi-giant told me.

"I'm Y/N weasley sir, my pleasure."

"call me hagrid! Formalities aside, we're already friends." "But what about Weasley? Ron never mentioned that he had another brother." Hagrid says shaking his head.

"I forgot" says Ron with red ears.

Hagrid pointed at several wooden crates by his feet.

"Eurgh!" squealed Lavender Brown,
jumping backwards.

They looked like deformed, shell-less lobsters, horribly pale and slimy-looking, with legs sticking out in very odd places and no visible heads. They were giving off a very powerful smell of rotting fish. Every now and then, sparks would fly out of the end of a Skrewt and, with a small phut, it would be propelled forwards several inches.

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