shut your mouth malfoy

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P.O.V. Y/N Weasley.

I'm walking with Hermione towards the screaming shelter, it's our second weekend in hogsmeade and I'm really nervous that it would be considered a date since we're alone.

Harry couldn't come because his uncles didn't sign his permission, it's very sad, and well...Ron will be buying sweets at honeydukes.

"Do you want to come closer?" I hear Hermione tell me.

"Eh?" "Oh y-yeah let's go." I tell her.

"Let's go then" he says walking towards the road.

"Are you buying the house of your dreams weasley? This must be a palace compared to your house, I hear it only has one room," says Malfoy's mocking voice and the footmen's laughter at him.

"Shut up Malfoy the other day, you weren't that brave in Hagrid's class, were you? Well, you were begging me not to hurt you, remember?"I tell him making fun of him.

"Is that true Draco?" crabbe asks.

"Oh well of course it is, don't you see the scared face he has? He's remembering that moment when he almost shit on himself." I tell him.

"Oh not very friendly, guys," says Malfoy, gathering himself. "I think we're going to have to teach Weasley-bee to respect his superiors."

"oh? Don't make me laugh superior ye?" Hermione says laughing as I look at her in amazement.

"You dare talk to me you filthy Mudblood?" Malfoy says angrily.

"How dare you call her that?" "Self-centered bastard" I say approaching him and he backs away in fear.

"Protect me damn it" says the blonde to his bouncers.

"You're not so brave now, are you?" I say, clenching my jaw and clenching my fists.

"Calm down Y/N I don't care what he says anymore" says Hermione not very convinced.

We see snowballs fly towards Malfoy and his lackeys. "Wh-what was that?" "Who's there?" Malfoy says with a scared face.

Suddenly something knocks Draco to the ground and pulls down his pants as he screeches in terror. "Help me damn it, help me!!"

Crabbe and Goyle approach him but something knocks them to the ground, they get up and grab Malfoy and they run away. "Let's go, let's get out of here, this place is haunted" says the peroxide blonde.

Hermione and I laugh as something tugs on my jacket laces and Hermione's hair.

"Harry!"Hermione exclaims laughing.

"Damn Potter that was brilliant!" "But what are you doing here?" I asked looking at him.

"oh, fred and george gave me the marauder's map and i came down a secret passageway that leads to honeydukes" Tells us.

"It can't be, did they give it to you? I asked and they said no!" I tell her while pouting and Hermione laughs.
"Those weasels are going to find out, I'll play the joke of the century"

"Don't worry Y/N you can ask me whenever you want" says the boy with glasses.

"Thanks Harry" I reply.

"Harry! Don't tell me you're keeping it! You have to give it to Professor McGonagall or Sirius Black might find you!" she says horrified.

"I can't give it to him, or they'd know Fred and George stole it from Filch in first year." Harry says as he begins to walk into town.

"Yes, Hermione, I also need that map to plan pranks and chaos in the castle, you know I'm a troublemaker."I tell her as I hug her from behind and she blushes.

"Let's go to the three brooms and see if Ron is there?" I ask as we go down a street

"Yeah, come on," Harry says.


"I'm going to get the drinks okay?" Ron says blushing looking at the waitress Rosemerta."Oh, but if it's Rosemerta, Ron likes her," says Hermione as Ron looks at her angrily.

Ron arrives with the drinks and Harry tells us "well lovebirds how was your date?" Hermione and I blush and look down shyly as Ron and Harry laugh.

Halfway through our butterbeers the door opens and Hagrid, Cornelius Fudge the Ministry of Magic and Professors Flitwick and McGonagall enter.

Hermione and I looked at each other and hid Harry under the table.


"It was your friend was your friend and he betrayed you!" says Harry kicking the sofa in the common room.
"I hope he comes for me because when I see him I'll be ready."

"Harry, calm down" I say to the one with glasses.

"for you it's very easy, you don't have a guy who killed 13 people, sold his friends to voldemort and oh yes I forgot he's your godfather" he says sarcastically.

"Hey don't be like that Harry, it's not Y/N's fault" says Hermione taking my hand as I smile gratefully at her.

"You're right Hermione, I'm sorry Y/N, it's a lot to take in"

"Don't worry mate, I understand you" I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

He smiles at me and tells us "let's go to dinner guys I'm starving."

"Yes, please, I would eat a whole table of food" I say while the three of them laugh.

This is a short one but I liked it.

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