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P.O.V Y/N Diggory.

Lately I've been feeling weird when I see a particular girl... I don't understand what's wrong with me... It's definitely a good feeling but I see her with Potter anda Weasley and it makes my blood boil.

It won't be... Jealousy, right?

I need to know what's wrong with me, these feelings are very confusing, maybe Cedric knows what's wrong with me.

Cedric is my older brother by two years. I'm in the same year as Potter, Weasley and that Granger girl.

"Cedric! I finally... found... you..." I say between breaths.

"What happened Y/N? Are you okay? You better breathe." The taller boy tried to joke.

"I need to talk to you... Alone." I say looking at his friends as we part ways.

"Well? What's bothering you?" He tells me concerned.

"umm well... you see... i've been seeing a girl for a while now and i feel things in my gut like fireworks when i see her... but then i see her with potter and weasley and i feel an emptiness in my stomach. Cedric... Help me I don't know what's wrong."I tell him distressed and he just laughs.

"What makes you so funny?" I say puzzled and he laughs harder.

"Y/N you're amazing…" he laughs wiping away a tear, "Can you drop the mystery Cedric? I'm worried."

"It's alright, it's alright, I'll stop," he tells me, calming down. "Well little brother...Isn't it obvious? You like her of course."

"W-what? But that can't be possible... No of course not. I can't like anyone." I tell him walking from one side to the other.

"And why not Y/N? We're human, we have feelings... There's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah...b-but I definitely don't want to be in love. What if I don't reciprocate my feelings? What's wrong with me?" I say sadly.

"Hey, hey, calm down. You'll never know if she feels the same if you don't talk to her.” “Plus you have diggory genes I'm sure you'll win her over.” He tells me amused and I just roll my eyes.

"U-umm okay I'll try to get close to her and see what happens."

A few days after that conversation I see her in the library and decide to approach her.

"Hello." I said "can I sit with you?"

"Of course yes"She says looking up from her book and taking her stuff off the table. "So ok umm, what are you reading?" I said sitting next to her.

"Oh, It's a sixth year spellbook. I like to be ahead of the class." She says closing her book and looking at me. "Hey...I know you're Y/N Diggory, right?"

"Oh? Yes, that's me and you're Hermione Granger right? Best in all classes." I tell her smiling and she nods happily at the compliment.

"I didn't know that someone like you would know my name...That's strange." she tells me and I look at her puzzled. "Why wouldn't I know your name? And why is it weird?

"Oh...well" she says blushing at my intense gaze. "You're very famous amongst all of us...and well it's rare for someone like you to meet someone like me."

"Definitely not, you know I've been watching you for a while. I find you interesting." I tell him but I realize that it sounded a bit stalker and I say "N-not that I spy on you of course but you know...I better shut up, yeah. Don't think of me as a stalker please." I tell her embarrassed and she just laughs at my nervous state.

"No, don't worry, I don't think of you that way." She says and I smile gratefully at her.

"Great, yeah, perfect. U-umm I wish we were friends you know... talk more often and stuff..." I say blushing a little.

She laughs adorably and nods "Of course Diggory boy whenever you want we can talk."

I smile nervously at the nickname as I stand up and say, "Well, nice to meet you, but I have to go you know...Brother duties Cedric wanted to see me so u-umm, see ya."

"Sure, don't worry, see you." She tells me with a smile and I leave.

P.O.V Hermione.

After Y/N left I grab my things and go out to find Ginny, I have to tell her this.

"My God Ginny until I find you... You won't believe what just happened to me." I tell her excitedly.

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? DID RONALD DIED OF FOOD OVERDOSE?" He yells at me and I back up a bit.

"Of course not Gin." I tell her and she looks downcast."So? What is?"

"Y/N Diggory came up to me in the library and said he's been wanting to talk to me for a while." I say happily.

"NO WAY!???THE GOLDEN BOY OF HUFFLEPUFF?" she shouts excitedly and I tell her to lower her voice since she's making a fuss."This is better than I thought Hermione...But what did you tell her? You said yes, right?"
She whispers to me.

"Of course...You know I've liked her for a long time, I couldn't waste my chance."

Ginny just nods and drags me through the halls to the common room excitedly talking about our children in the future and blah blah blah.

P.O.V. Y/N.

After I left, I went to find Cedric to tell him what happened. And he congratulated me.

"Well now just win her over and then you get married and have kids while I pamper you like her handsome uncle and I bet I will be."

"Cedric!" I tell him blushing and he just chuckles.

Well... what did you think of this?

I love ginny excited hahah. (Only as a friend of course. We only love Hermione here.)

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