time turner

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P.O.V Y/N.

It was a cloudy day, he felt heavy and sad as if something was about to happen.

It was definitely not a pleasant feeling...

I am a lonely boy at hogwarts, no one notices me except the teachers who usually praise me a lot for my intelligence.

I am currently walking through the halls of hogwarts and I hear noise in an empty classroom that no one ever occupies.My instincts are alert, but something tells me to go see what's going on, I'm a very curious person.

I walk to the door and there are definitely muffled voices as if they are scared of something.

I plucked up the courage and opened the door but I find a strange scene... They are 2 children who seem my age... I'm currently in my 5th year at Hogwarts.

They are 1 boy with glasses and a lightning bolt scar and a very pretty bushy haired girl with brown eyes.

And from what I see the girl is wearing a time-turner around her neck. None seem to have noticed me but that is normal for me so I decide to remove them from the heated discussion of her."Hello ummm can you tell me why you are in this abandoned room and you carry a time turner?" they jump surprised and they point their wands at me, I just raise my arms in peace and little by little they lower them.

"Well? Who are you and what do you do with such a powerful object in your hands?" I ask them impatiently. I see how the boy opens his mouth to speak but she steps forward.

"Well...we traveled by mistake because we were hiding from Umbridge, you know how it is..."

"Who? I don't know any Umbridges." I tell them confused.

"Wait... what year are we in?" asks the worried boy with glasses.

"Well, in 1956 of course." I tell them as they look at each other in horror and ask what's going on.

"Oh no Harry, the time-turner broke and we traveled too far back...this can't be happening, it just isn't..." says the girl starting to mutter and spin around in circles while the boy apparently named Harry tries to reassure her to no avail.

"We need to see Professor Dumbledore." The determined girl tells me and I tell her "Professor Dumbledore is not in the castle these days you will have to wait."

"Well, it's fine... What's your name by the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet." says the guy with glasses

"oh umm I'm Y/N and you guys?"

"I am Harry Potter and this is Hermione Granger we come from the future because that thing it broke or something and here we are." he says nervously as the girl nods vigorously.

"Well, tell me who this Umbridge is." I tell them, sitting down at a nearby table.

They begin to tell me the story of their lives and we soon become friends.I just tell them that I don't have friends and I just spent my time studying or walking.

Hermione seems to have a lot of knowledge of magic and books that we have in common. Harry well... he looks at us puzzled by everything we say.

"It's getting dark we'd better go to the Room of Requirement." Harry says and I look at him strangely when I see my confused face Hermione explains which is a room that appears whenever someone has a need and is on the seventh floor.

"What are we waiting for?!!! Let's go!!!" I tell them excitedly and they just laugh as we talk about everything and nothing until we arrive and I see how a door materializes before my eyes.

"This is awesome..." I murmur looking at the room with 3 beds and a fireplace.

They nod in agreement and soon we fall into a deep sleep each in each bed.


I've been taking them both food and drinks for a few days because they can't be seen until Dumbledore comes.

Hermione and I get along very well and I can't help but think how well we complement each other is just fate...

She flirts with me sometimes but I don't know if she's joking or not since I've never flirted with anyone or been flirted with but I'm definitely not complaining.

Harry is a different case...he likes quidditch and more adventurous things so to speak, I'm more laid back.


One day I see Professor Dumbledore walking through the corridors and I explain what happened to him as I take him to the room of requirements.

When we arrived Harry and Hermione were playing gobstones but when they see us they get up quickly and start to explain everything to him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything... There is no time-turner that can take you back to the future unless time passes normally, so you will have to stay and lead a normal life." Says the teacher Dumbledore heavily and they just nod.

"Well... it seems that we are going to be together for a while..." I tell them lightening the atmosphere while Hermione nods half happy half sad and Harry the same.

Soon they got used to their new life and Hermione and I started dating. Harry was happy when we told him about it but you could tell they missed his old friends .But i couldn't do anything.

It wasn't bad but it doesn't convince me...should I do part two or leave it like that?

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