"Wow, that's a shock. You don't often hold eye contact with me, and I'm your sister.. She must be rather important."

"I don't know yet. That's why I'm excited for today, and why I'm up too early. I couldn't sleep."

"Again?" She asks, I nod. She's worried about my sleeping since we moved here. I haven't got more than three hours yet. I'm running on nothing. "Can I help in any way?"

"Don't worry, Laf.. I'll figure it out soon."

"I hope so. I love you, you know."

"I know, I love you too. Can you please make me some breakfast?" I ask nicely, she smiles

"Of course. What would you like?"

"Just some toast please"

"Alright I'll make it when you're ready.." she gets up from my bed and starts to leave the room "Do you just want butter on it?"

"Yes please. Or Nutella."

"I'll see what I can do.." she mumbles, then walks out.

I get myself all ready for school and then head downstairs. Lafina gives me my toast, and she must've managed to find the Nutella because that's what was on it.

In reality, I was silly to get ready so early. School starts at about half past eight, and it's currently only half past seven. I don't have a lot to do.

"Marina, if you're not busy please could you help me take this stuff to my car? It won't take us long." Lafina tries to persuade, I nod.

She didn't have to try to persuade me, I'd do anything to help her, even if I do complain sometimes.

"Yeah okay.."

I pick up an armful of books and follow her outside to the car. I think her university course is very intense, I mean, she is training to become a doctor after all. I'm proud of her for learning all this stuff, it seems difficult.

"Is that okay?" I ask, placing the books down on one of the backseats.

"Yeah thanks for the help.." she leans into the car and puts down her paperwork too.

I use the time that I'm outside to check out my surroundings, and especially to check out the Grant house. It looks all lit up, so I guess I could go and knock on for Elizabeth whenever I'm ready.

I can't help but look into their windows. I want to see her. She's very intriguing, and very beautiful. She's almost unreal.

"Right, thanks for the help M." Lafina says, making me turn back to her

"Oh, it's alright." I smile nicely. I like being good to her, she deserves everything.

Behind me, I hear movement. It's coming from the Grant house. The door has opened and closed.

"Look, it's your ride.." Laf says, I turn around to see Elizabeth coming out of her house. I feel nervous. "I'll leave you to it. Have a great day at school if I don't see you before you go."

"Thanks Laf, see you later.." I reply. The second she starts to walk back inside, I turn away from her to watch Elizabeth.

It's strange, but I think she's only out here for me. She's looking at me, with a little sort of smirk. It's kind of hot.

Mentally, I say 'fuck it' and just walk over to her. I need to be brave with her.

"What're you doing out here?" I ask her, she walks up to me too, meeting me in between our two driveways.

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