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Doctor: "At what age?"

Ryan: "Uh, young. I'm not sure. It was a little after my dad left. A few years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar depression."

Doctor: "That must've been confusing growing up. Not knowing what was going on."

Ryan: "Yeah."

Doctor: "Is there a history of depression in your family?"

Ryan: "My mom. She, uh...kind of spiraled after my dad."

Doctor: "Do you engage in any form of self-harm?"

Ryan: "No. But three days ago, I tried to kill myself in a car."

Laura: "Okay, after Tanya's done taking your blood, we'll take you to get an ECG and a CT scan, and then you can get some rest."

Ryan: "What happens tomorrow?"

Laura: "Breakfast starts at 7:00. Meds at 8:00. Group starts at 9:00." she nods, exiting the room as Ryan looks down at where her blood is being drawn, turning to look at the wall as tears come to her eyes

Slowly entering a room, Ryan pulls her robe around herself as she moves to take a seat. Looking around the room as she gives a small smile to the counselor sitting at the front of the circle

Sitting in her room she watches as a nurse places down a tray a food, giving her a soft smile as Ryan stares blankly at the tray

Laura: "Okay, and meds are at 8:00" she nods, watching Ryan who stares down at the photo of Matt and Mateo on her phone "You should try and eat something." she breathes, giving her a soft smile

Doctor: "Mrs. Casey, your TSH levels are borderline. Do you have family history of thyroid issues?"

Ryan: "Uh, not that I'm aware of."

Doctor: "Hmm. Okay. Let's run some more tests."

Laura: "Doctor's ordered another test."

Ryan: "More blood? Seriously?"

Laura: "You might wish it were blood." she hums, holding a large bottle

Ryan: "You-you want me to pee in that?"

Laura: "For the next 24 hours." she nods, making Ryan scoff as she looks at the bottle

Ryan: "Postpartum thyroiditis? What-what is that?"

Doctor: "At first, your thyroid is overactive. The symptoms can feel like typical baby blues. Anxiety, insomnia, irritability. Looks like the stress of having a newborn, but then it starts to slow down, or in your case, shut down."

Ryan: "So...what-what happens now?"

Doctor: "Well, now that we have identified the underlying condition, we can get you started on some hormone therapy" she nods, watching as Ryan begins tearing up "Ryan, you all right?"

Ryan: "Yeah, I'm...relieved. Since having him, I didn't know what was wrong with me. And my doctor wasn't able to tell me, so..." she shakily breathes in relief

Doctor: "Yeah."

Ryan: "Okay. Thank you."

Kiss of Death (HOC V.1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora