Headlong Toward Disaster

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Cruz: "It's good to have you back." he cheers, moving to pull Ryan into a tight hug

Ryan: "It's good to be back."

Brett: "Let's see these baby photos."

Boden: "I'm glad I got to spend some time with my father... and he got to know all of you. Right now, I'm gonna take advantage of some unused furlough and wrap up my father's affairs."

Mouch: "Uh, don't forget, Chief, you're also entitled to paternity leave."

Boden: "I will be taking furlough, Mouch" he declares, making the room chuckle in amusement "And a lot of it. I know you'll all be fine without me. Battalion Chief Pat Pridgen will fill in the void. Treat him right. His own house, 17, was closed last year by our old friend Ms. McLeod."

All: "Boo."

Pridgen: "Aw, come on. McLeod wasn't all bad...as soulless assassins go" he shrugs 'Don't worry about 51, Chief. I'll take good care of it in your absence" he assures, patting Boden on the shoulder as he reaches out to shake his hand "I'm terribly sorry for your loss."

Boden: "Thanks."
Matt: "Take as much time as you need, Chief."

Kelly: "Yeah, you earned it."

Dawson: "Gonna miss you like hell, Chief."

Boden: "And I'm gonna miss you too. Well...some of you."

Capp: "Hey, Chief. Squad's still shorthanded. We getting anyone to sub for Newhouse?"

Boden: "Talk to Chief Pridgen about that. It's in his hands now. See you when I see you." he nods, turning as they watch him walk off

Herrmann: "He'll be back in a week."

Ryan: "A week?" she scoffs "More like next shift."

Hermann: "Yeah."

Dawson: "Oh, you gotta be kidding me." she groans, turning to watch Welch head their way

Hermann: "What the hell is he doing here?"

Matt: "What's the matter, Welch? You lost?"

Welch: "Nah, I'm good. I caught a relief assignment to Squad 3. Looks like I'll be working here at 51 for a while."

PA: "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Person trapped. 2600 West Fullerton."

Tony: "First call back. You ready?"

Capp: "Hope you haven't forgotten how to drive." he snickers

Ryan: "Big talk coming from someone who's never been in the driver's seat."

Kelly: "Oh ho."

Capp: "Now I remember why I didn't miss you."

Ryan: "Aw. You know you love me."

Capp: "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Pridgen: "What are we looking at?"

Matt: "Don't know yet. Somebody call for help?"

Woman: "Not up here. In back. His name is Jerry and he's caught in the pinsetter."

Kelly: "He's caught in the what?"

Woman: "The pinsetter, lane 9." she motions to where an arm is seen lodged hanging from the end of the lane

Kelly: "Hey, Capp, get a toolbox in here now."

Capp: "Copy that, Lieutenant."

Mills: "How do we get to him?"

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