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Watching the race finish, Oscar came in 2nd. I cheered a little to myself, going to congratulate him. As I got to his drivers room, I opened the door to see him breathing heavily. "Oscar?" I asked, placing my hand on his back softly. He turned around quickly, pushing my hand away. He looked at me, but his features softened when he saw my shocked expression. "I want to leave." He said, and I nodded. I grabbed his things, and we walked to the house. As we entered, I put his stuff in the corner, patting his back softly. "Go take a shower while I make dinner." I said softly, giving his cheek a quick kiss. He walked off, and I heard the bathroom door shut. After I finally set up the table, he came right on time and we started eating. It was silent, and he didn't look at me. I shrugged his behavior off for later, and got up to take our empty plates. "Go lay down. I'll be there in a minute." I said, rubbing his hand. He got up, and left without a word.

After cleaning up, I walked upstairs, passing my room. I heard sniffles from the room, making me frown. I opened the door, seeing Oscar sitting on the bed with his hands over his face. I frowned, walking up to him. I grabbed his hands, seeing tears roll down his cheeks. I wiped them away, holding his cheeks. "Osc, what's wrong?" I asked, bending down slightly. He sniffled, standing up. "Nothing. I should probably leave for a little." He said. I hugged onto him, my head resting on his back. "Don't leave. I'm here for you." I said, turning him around. He looked at me before breaking out in quiet sobs. I grabbed onto him, his head resting on my shoulder. "It will be okay." I whispered, rubbing his back. We stood there for a good 10 minutes, his sobs died down. He hugged me closer, his head in my neck. "Thank you." He whispered, making me smile. I lifted his head, giving him a smile. "I'm always here for you. Day or night." I said, leaning up. He gave me a soft kiss, making me smile even more. 

After he calmed down, and taken a relaxing shower, we were in bed cuddling. "Wait, we still have that date." He said, about to get up. "Oscar." I called, stopping him from leaving bed. "We don't have to go on that date right now." I said, making him shake his head. "No, I promised you. We have to go on this da-" He tried to say, but I cut him off by giving him a kiss. "We don't have to. Plus we still have a whole 2 weeks to ourselves. Just lay down, and let the emotions settle." I said, to which he tried protesting. He tried getting up again, but I moved onto his lap, giving him a hug. "No." I mumbled, my head resting on his shoulder. He sighed, sitting back down. "Fine. But I am taking you on a date." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pecked my lips, smiling softly. "Aww, there it is." I smiled, pecking his lips again. He chuckled before turning us over, making me yelp of surprise. "We have the house to ourselves." He said in my ear, making me chuckle. "1." I said, kissing his lips again.

Time Skip ~ Couple Hours Later

Waking up from our short nap after some fun, I sat up as I had to start packing. I grabbed Oscar's shirt, throwing it over my head. It reached to my knees, making me giggle softly. He was still asleep on the bed. I grabbed my suitcase, opening it on the bed. I started packing clothes, neatly folding them into the suitcase. I grabbed all my electronics, which was just my laptop and chargers for it and my phone. I threw in some stuff for drawing. I threw in my hygiene bag and closed it, placing it by my door. I went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and changing into a simple pair black sweatpants and a red crop top. I went out to see Oscar sitting up, rubbing his eyes. I smiled as I finished getting ready. "Morning." I joked, seeing him looking confused. "Hi." He mumbled, laying back down. "What time is it?" He asked, eyes closed. The clock read 7pm, meaning we only had 30 minutes to get to the airport. "7:00, so get up and get ready." I said, pulling him up. He groaned, but complied. 

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